Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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248 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTattacks. It is used everywhere by men whose constantexposure renders them less fastidious aboutpersonal greasiness <strong>and</strong> aroma than they are solicitousfor <strong>com</strong>fort <strong>and</strong> health. Dr. W. H. Dade,an army surgeon in the Philippines, found that theaddition of one part oil of bergamot to sixteen ofkerosene made the odor less disagreeable <strong>and</strong> addedenough body to prevent evaporation in less than sixto eight hours. I have used Japanese oil of camphorfor the same purpose.Some Dopes.— The following mixtures may beparticularly re<strong>com</strong>mendedMr. C. A. Nash's.Oil of citronella i oz.Spirits of camphor i oz.Oil of cedarJ/2 oz.Doctor Howard says this is the most effective mixturehe has tried. " Ordinarily a few drops on a bath towelhung over the head of the bed will keep Culex pipiens awayfor a whole night. Where mosquitoes are very persistent,however, a few drops rubbed on the face <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s willsuffice."Dr. Edivard Beck's.Pine tar 3 oz.Olive (or castor) oil 2 oz.Oil pennyroyal i oz.Oil citronella i oz.Creosote i oz.Camphor (pulverized) i oz.Carbolated vaseline large tube.Heat the tar <strong>and</strong> oil <strong>and</strong> add the other ingredients;simmer over slow fire until well mixed. The tar may beomitted if disliked, or for ladies' use. Above will rathermore than fill a pint screw-top tin flask. This mixture notonly discourages insect attacks but is also a good counterirritantafter being bitten. One may substitute for thyolive oil its weight in carbolated vaseline <strong>and</strong> thus makean unguent that can be carried in collapsible tubes, <strong>and</strong> theDoctor now re<strong>com</strong>mends this.Col.Crojton Fox's.Oil pennyroyal i dram.Oil peppermint i dram.Oil bergamot i dram.:

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