Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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246 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTguent that is less disagreeable, even though it mustbe renewed every hour or two.Essential Oils.— As for protective liquids, it issafe to say that everything in the pharmacopoeiathat seemed the least promising has been tried.Theoils of pennyroyal, cloves, lavender, citronella, eucalyptus,cedar <strong>and</strong> sassafras are used singly or in<strong>com</strong>bination. Spirits of camphor is offensive toinsects but soon evaporates.Citronella is the favorite. All insect pests dislikeit; but some people, too, find the odor intolerable.The oil of lavender flowers (genuine) has apleasant odor, <strong>and</strong> is equally effective, but it isquite expensive. Both of these oils are bl<strong>and</strong>,whereas most of the others are irritant <strong>and</strong> willmake the eyes smart if the least bit <strong>com</strong>es in contactwith them. Artificial oil of lavender is worthless.The protection afforded by a given oil dependssomewhat upon locality (number, species, persistenceof insects), <strong>and</strong>, apparently, the personal equationcuts some figure, for what works satisfactorilyivith one man affords no immunity to another.Hence the more popular dopes are " shot-gun prescriptions,"<strong>com</strong>pounded on the principle that if nneingredient misses another may hit.The trouble with all the essential oils is thattheir protective principles are volatile. To retardevaporation, add double or treble the amount ofcastor oil, which has a good body <strong>and</strong> is itself repugnantto the whole created kingdom. After mixing,put up some of this thick liquid in a smallcapped oil can (bicycle oiler), to carry in the field.Thicker dopes, which can be put up in collapsibletubes like artists' colors, are made by mixing theoil with carbolated vaseline, or with borated lanolin.The latter is a particularly good base becauseit is not only antiseptic but it is also the best preventiveof sunburn, excellent for blistered feet, <strong>and</strong>a particularly good application for slight wounds<strong>and</strong> abrasions. Add enough oil of lavender flowerr

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