Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PESTS OF THE WOODS 245Simmer for half an hour, <strong>and</strong> when cooladdOil pennyroyal i ounce.There arc many others of similar nature, but the aboveare as good as any. . . . Now as to use of above: applyfreely <strong>and</strong> frequently to all exposed parts of person, <strong>and</strong>do not ^as/i off until leaving the place where the pestsabound. You can wash your eyes in the morning, <strong>and</strong>wash the palms of your h<strong>and</strong>s as often as may be necessary,but if you wish to be immune, don't wash any other exposedparts. , . . When you get accustomed to it you willfind some <strong>com</strong>pensating <strong>com</strong>fort. ... I have had to contendwith mosquitoes, deer-flies, black-flies, <strong>and</strong> midges . . . <strong>and</strong>have found " dope " with tar in it the best. I know thatwhere mosquitoes are not very bad, oil of citronella, oil ofverbena or of lemon-grass or of pennyroyal mixed withvaselin will keep them ofi^, if the mixture is applied frequently.These essential oils are quickly evaporated, however,by the heat of the body. Camphorated oil is also usedby some; this is simply sweet oil with gum camphor dissolvedin it: the camphor is volatile <strong>and</strong> soon evaporates.. . . Now I don't much like tar dope because I can notwash my face <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s as often as I could wish ; but whenit is necessary to get some trout, without being worried toomuch by the insects, I can st<strong>and</strong> the tar for a few days."Doctor L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau ofEntomolog}^ U. S. Department of Agriculture,re<strong>com</strong>mends the following tar dope:" Fishermen <strong>and</strong> hunters in the North Woods will findthat a good mixture against mosquitoes <strong>and</strong> black-flies canbe made as follows: Take 2^ pounds of mutton tallow,melt <strong>and</strong> strain it. While still hot add 5^ pound black tar(Canadian tar), stir thoroughly, <strong>and</strong> pour into the receptaclein which it is to be contained When nearly coolstir in 3 ounces of oil of citronella <strong>and</strong> ij^ ounces of pennyroyal."It is my own experience that tar glazes do thework when the weather is <strong>com</strong>paratively cool, butwhen it is so hot that one perspires freely both bynight <strong>and</strong> day there is no chance for a glaze to beestablished. The stuff melts <strong>and</strong> runs in your eves.A hard rain will wash it off. Thick dopes, more orless sticky, are unpleasant at all times, <strong>and</strong> especiallyat night. For these reasons, <strong>and</strong> for appearance*sake, most people will prefer to use a fluid or un-

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