Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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226 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFT<strong>and</strong> will soon burn down to embers that are not tooardent for frying; or (2) a solid bed of long-livedcoals that will keep up a steady, glowing, smokelessheat for baking, roasting, or slow boiling; or (3) abig log fire that will throw its heat forward on theground, <strong>and</strong> into a tent or lean-to, <strong>and</strong> will lastseveral hours w^ithout replenishing.Luncheon Fire.— For a noonday lunch, or anyother quick meal, when you have only to boil coffee<strong>and</strong> fry something, a large fire is not wanted. Drivea forked stake in the ground, lay a green stick acrossit, slanting upward from the ground, <strong>and</strong> weightthe lower end with a rock, so you can easily regulatethe height of the pot. The slanting stick shouldbe notched, or have the stub of a twig left at itsupper end, to hold the pot bail in place, <strong>and</strong> shouldbe set at such an angle that the pot swings about afoot clear of the ground.Then gather a small armful of sound, dry twigsfrom the size of a lead pencil to that of your finger.Take no twig that lies flat on the ground, for suchare generally damp or rotten. Choose hardwood,if there is any, for it lasts well.Select three of your best sticks for kindling.Shave each of them almost through, for half itslength, leaving lower end of shavings attached tothe stick, one under the other. St<strong>and</strong> these in atripod, under the hanging pot, with their curlsdown. Around them build a small conical wigwamof the other sticks, st<strong>and</strong>ing each on end <strong>and</strong>slanting to a <strong>com</strong>mon center. The whole affair isno bigger than your hat. Leave free air spaces betweenthe sticks. Fire requires air, <strong>and</strong> plenty of it,<strong>and</strong> it burns best when it has something to climb upon ; hence the wigwam construction. Now touchoff the shaved sticks, <strong>and</strong> in a moment you will havea small blast furnace under the pot. This will getup steam in a hurry. Feed it with small sticks asneeded.Meantime get two bed-sticks, four or five inches

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