Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CAMP MAKING 219as a stake, because you couldn't drive It withoutsplitting it. A fork like Fig. no can be foundanj'where; cut it as shown by the dotted lines, <strong>and</strong>Fig. 109 —Rare NaturalCrotchFig. no —CommonCrotchTo Make a ^"O^Crutch '"C^ 4^it will drive all right. If somebody is injured <strong>and</strong>needs a crutch, pick out a sapling with limbs grov/-ing opposite, as in Fig. in, cut out the centralstem, trim, <strong>and</strong> shave down.A <strong>com</strong>fortable height for the table is 30 inches,for the benches 18 inches. The latter are made inthe same way as the table. Three widths of 10-inch boards make a good table top, <strong>and</strong> one sufficesfor each bench.If you have a spare tent fly or tarpaulin, rig itover the dining table as a canopy. If no treesst<strong>and</strong> convenient for stretching it, set up two forkedposts, lay a ridge pole on them, <strong>and</strong> guy out thesides to similar frames or to whatever may growh<strong>and</strong>y. To set a long stake, sharpen the butt end,hold the pole vertically, <strong>and</strong> make a hole in theground by working the stick up <strong>and</strong> down as aquarryman does a long drill.A table, bench, or shelf, can easily be set upwherever two trees grow close enough together.Nail a cross-piece from one to the other, <strong>and</strong> asimilar one at same level on the other side, thencover with straight sticks or pieces of board.Commissariat.— If food is carried in side-openingbags, suspend them from a horizontal pole runfrom tree to tree or from forked stakes. A ciip-

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