Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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2o6CA:\IPIiNG <strong>and</strong> WOODCRAFl'When transportation is easy it pays to pack tliebread, bags of flour, etc., in a tin wash-boiler oftwo, which are wrapped in burlaps <strong>and</strong> crated.These make capital grub boxes in camp, securingtheir contents from wet, insects <strong>and</strong> rodents. Antsin summer <strong>and</strong> mice at all times are downrightpests of the woods, to say nothing of the wily coon,the predatory mink, the inquisitive skunk, <strong>and</strong> thefretful porcupine. The boilers are useful, too, onmany occasions, to catch rain-water, boil clothes,waterproof <strong>and</strong> dye tents, <strong>and</strong> so forth. After allthese things have been done inthem they are properlyseasoned for cooking a burgoo.Camp chests are very convenient when it ispracticable to carry them. In fixed camp an oldtrunk will do ; but if you are traveling from placeto place, the boxes should be small, weighing notover fifty or sixty pounds each when packed, so thatone man can easily h<strong>and</strong>le them unassisted. If theyare specially made, Cottonwood is the best material(if thoroughly seasoned boards can be had—otherwiseit warps abominably). It is the strongest <strong>and</strong>toughest wood for its weight that we have, <strong>and</strong>will not splinter. For the ends <strong>and</strong> lids of smallchests, ^-inch stuf¥ is thick enough, <strong>and</strong> ^-inchfor the sides, bottoms <strong>and</strong> trays. The bottomshould have a pair of ^/^-inch cleats for risers <strong>and</strong>the top a similar pair to keep it from \A'arping, unlessthe chests are to go on pack animals. Straphinges<strong>and</strong> hasp, a brass padlock <strong>and</strong> broad leatherend-straps (not drop-h<strong>and</strong>les) should be provided,<strong>and</strong> the chest painted.The best size is 24x18x9 inches, this beingconvenient for canoes <strong>and</strong> pack-saddles. A pinegrocery box of this size, with ^-inch ends <strong>and</strong>^-inch sides, top, <strong>and</strong> bottom, weighs only lOpounds, <strong>and</strong> will answer the purpose very well.Screw a wooden h<strong>and</strong>le on each end, say 5x2inches, with a h<strong>and</strong>-hold gouged out of the underside

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