Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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202 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTStill, a few general principles have been workedout:1. When going as light as practicable, <strong>and</strong> takingthe most concentrated (water-free) foods that willdigest properly <strong>and</strong> sustain a man at hard workin the open air, the ration should not be cut downbelow 2j4 pounds (a ration being one man's foodfor one day). This is the minimum for mountaineering,arctic exploration, <strong>and</strong> wherever equipmentmust be " pared to the bone," This sort ofprovisioning will be considered in Volume II.2. People leading an easy life in summer campdo not require so much actual nutriment as thoseengaged in hard travel, big game hunting, <strong>and</strong>the like; but they should have plenty of fruits<strong>and</strong> vegetables, <strong>and</strong> these things are heavy <strong>and</strong>bulky.3. Men working hard in the open, <strong>and</strong> exposedto the vicissitudes of wilderness life, need a dietrich in protein, fats (especially in cold weather),<strong>and</strong> sweets. This may not agree with theories ofdieticians, but it is the experience of millions ofcampaigners who know what their work dem<strong>and</strong>s.A low-proteid diet may be good for men leadingsoft lives, <strong>and</strong> for an occasional freak outdoorsman,but try it on an army in the field, or on a crew oflumberjacks, <strong>and</strong> you will face stark mutiny.As a basis upon which the supplies for a partymay be calculated, I offer, in the following table,tw^o ration lists, called '* light " <strong>and</strong> " heavy," forone man, one week. The first figures out about4,900 calories, <strong>and</strong> the second about 5,300 calories,per man, per day. Either of these is sufficient fora man engaged in hard outdoor work; so the terms" light " <strong>and</strong> '^ heavy " do not refer to food valuesbut to actual weights, the first being 3 pounds, <strong>and</strong>the second a bit over 5 pounds, per man, per day.The difference is due chiefly to canned goods <strong>and</strong>fresh vegetables.Observe that both of these lists include fresh

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