Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PROVISIONS 199cause they were pleasant, <strong>and</strong> by the doctor because theywere not in the pharmacopoeia; but, in spite of bitter opposition,they won their way." It is doubtful whether any addition to the <strong>com</strong>fort ofcivilized man within the last two hundred years in therealm of dietetics can be mentioned that equals them.Certainly, if we take into consideration the third new articleof food, which came in <strong>and</strong> still goes down with them— sugar — it would be impossible to match them with anythingof equal value,"Cocoa is not only a drink but a food. It isbest for the evening meal, because it makes onesleepy, whereas tea <strong>and</strong> coffee have the oppositeeffect.Get the soluble kind, if j^ou want it quickly prepared.Condiments.— Do not leave out a small assortmentof condiments wherewith to vary the tasteof <strong>com</strong>mon articles <strong>and</strong> serve a new sauce or gravyor pudding now <strong>and</strong> then.Salt is best carried in a w^ooden box. Theamount used in cooking <strong>and</strong> at table is small, butif pelts are to be preserved or game shipped out,considerably more will be needed.White pepper is better than black. Some Cay^enne or Chili should also be taken. Red pepper ifnot only a good stomachic, but also is fme for achill (made into a tea with hot water <strong>and</strong> sugar).Among condiments I class beef extract, bouilloncubes or capsules, <strong>and</strong> the like. They are of nouse as food, except to stimulate a feeble stomachor furnish a spurt of energy, but invaluable forflavoring camp-made soups <strong>and</strong> stews when youare far away from beef. The powder calledOystero yields an oyster flavor.When one is not going into a game country, itIS worth while to carn^ Worcestershire sauce <strong>and</strong>pure tomato catchup, to relieve the monotony ofcured <strong>and</strong> canned meats or of too much fish.Mustard is useful not only at table but for medicinalpurposes ; cloves, not only for its more obvious

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