Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PROVISIONS 195thirst that one experiences the first da}^ or two,<strong>and</strong> assist excretion. Freezing does not spoilonions if they are kept frozen until used.Beans.— A prime factor in cold weather camping.Take a long time to cook ("soak all day<strong>and</strong> cook all night" is the rule). Cannot becooked done at altitudes of five thous<strong>and</strong> ^eet <strong>and</strong>upward. Large varieties cook quickest, but thesmall white navy beans are best for baking. Pickthem over before packing, as there is much waste.Split Peas.— Used chiefly in making a thick,nourishing soup.Dehydrated Vegetables.— Much of tht flavorof fresh vegetables is lost when the juice is expressedor evaporated, but all of their nutrimentis retained <strong>and</strong> enough of the flavor for them toserve as fair substitutes when fresh vegetables cannotbe carried. They help out a camp stew, <strong>and</strong>may even be served as side dishes if one has butter\<strong>and</strong> milk to season them. Generally they requiresoaking (which can be done overnight) ; thenthey are to be boiled slowly until tender, takingabout as much time as fresh vegetables. If cookingis hurried they will be woody <strong>and</strong> tasteless.Dehydrated vegetables are very portable, keep inany climate, <strong>and</strong> it is well to carry some on tripsfar from civilization.Canned Vegetables.— In our table of food valuesit will be noticed that the least nourishing articlefor its weight <strong>and</strong> bulk is a can of tomatoes. Yetthese " airtights " are great favorites with outdoorsmen,especially in the West <strong>and</strong> South, where frequentlythey are eaten raw out of the can. It isnot so much their flavor as their acid that is gratefulto a stomach overtaxed with fat or cannedmeat <strong>and</strong> hot bread three times a day. If wantedonly as an adjuvant to soups, stews, rice, macaroni,etc., the more concentrated tomato puree will servevery^w^ell.Canned corn (better still, '' kornlet," which is

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