Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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";PROVISIONS 193but the ordinary granulated meal of <strong>com</strong>merce keepsbetter, because it has been kiln-dried. Corn mealshould not be used as the leading breadstuff, forreasons already given, but johnnycake, corn pancakes,<strong>and</strong> mush, are a wel<strong>com</strong>e change from hotwheat bread or biscuit, <strong>and</strong> the average novice atcooking may succeed better with them. The mealIs useful to roll fish in, before frying.Breakfast Cereals.— These according to taste, <strong>and</strong>for variety sake. Plain cereals, particularly oatmeal, require long cooking, either in a double boileror with constant stirring, to make them digestible<strong>and</strong> then there is a messy pot to clean up. Theydo more harm than good to campers who hurrytheir cooking. So it is best to buy the partiallycooked cereals that take only a few minutes to prepare.Otherwise the " patent breakfast foodshave no more nutritive quality than plain grain;some of them not so much. The notion that branhas remarkable food value is a delusion: it actuallymakes the protein of the grain less digestible. Asfor mineral matter, to " build up bone <strong>and</strong> teeth <strong>and</strong>brawn," there is enough of It in almost any mixeddiet, without swallowing a lot of crude fiber.Rice, although not very appetising by Itself, <strong>com</strong>binesso well in stews or the like, <strong>and</strong> goes so wellin pudding, that It deserves a place in the <strong>com</strong>missariat.Macaroni, etc.— The various paste (pas-tay), a*the Italians call them, take the place of bread, maybe cooked In many ways to lend variety, <strong>and</strong> areespecially good in soups, which otherwise wouldhave little nourishing power. Spaghetti, vermicelli<strong>and</strong> noodles, all are good In their way. Breakmacaroni into Inch pieces, <strong>and</strong> pack so that Insectscannot get Into it. It is more wholesome than flapjacks,<strong>and</strong> it " sticks to the ribs."Sweets.— Sugar Is stored-up energ}^, <strong>and</strong> Is assimilatedmore quickly than any other food. Men/n the open soon get to craving sweets„The '' substitute " variously known as saccharin.

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