Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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192 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTpermit baking. It is a cracker prepared of plaiC'flour <strong>and</strong> water, not even salted, <strong>and</strong> kiln-dried to achip, so as to keep indefinitely, its only enemiesbeing weevils. Get the coarsest grade. To makehardtack palatable, toast it until crisp, or soak inhot coffee <strong>and</strong> butter it, or at least salt it.Swedish hardtack, made of whole rye flour, isgood for a change.Plasmon biscuit, imported from Engl<strong>and</strong>, is themost nutritious breadstuff I have ever used. It isa round cracker, firm but not hard, of good flavor,containing a large percentage of the protein of milk,six of the small biscuits holding as much proteid asa quarter of a pound of beef. Plasmon will be discussedin Volume II, under Emergency Rations.Flour.— Graham <strong>and</strong> entire-wheat flours containmore protein than patent flour, but this is offset bythe fact that it is not so digestible as the protein ofst<strong>and</strong>ard flour. Practically there is little or no differencebetween them in the amount of protein assimilated.The same seems to be true of theirmineral ingredients.Many campers depend a good deal on self-raisingflour because it saves a little trouble in mixing.But such flour is easily spoiled by dampness, it doesnot make as good biscuit or flapjacks as one can turnout in camp by doing his own mixing, <strong>and</strong> it willnot do for thickening, dredging, etc.Flour <strong>and</strong> meal should be sifted before startingon an expedition : there will be no sieve in camp.Baking Powder.— Get the best, made with purecream of tartar. It costs more than the alum powders,<strong>and</strong> does not go so far, bulk for bulk ; but itis much kinder to the stomach. Baking soda willnot be needed on short trips, but is required forlonger ones, in making sour-dough, as a steady dietof baking-powder bread or biscuit will ruin thestomach, if persisted in for a considerable time.Soda also is useful medicinally.Corn Meal.— Some like yellow, some preferwhite. y\\t flavor of freshly ground meal is best,

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