Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PROVISIONS 191outfitter. However, skim milk powder is useful incooking, <strong>and</strong> I would carry it where evaporated milkwould be too heavy.Butter.— This is another '* soft " thing that paysits freight. Look up its nutritive value in the tablealready given.There is a w^estern firm that puts up very goodbutter hermetically sealed in 2-lb. cans. It will.keep indefinitely.For ordinary trips it suffices to pack butter firmlyinto pry-up tin cans which have been sterilized bythorough scalding <strong>and</strong> then cooled in a perfectlyclean place. Keep it in a spring or in cold runningwater (hung in a net, or weighted with a rock)whenever you can. When traveling, wrap the coldcan in a towel or other insulating material.If I had to cut out either lard or butter, I wouldkeep the butter. It serves all the purposes of lardin cooking, is wholesomer, <strong>and</strong>, beyond that, it isthe most concentrated source of energy that one canuse with impunity.Cheese.— Cheese has nearly twice the tuel valueof a porterhouse steak of equal w^eight, <strong>and</strong> it containsa fourth more protein. It is popularly supposedto be hard to digest, but in reality is not so,if used in moderation. The best kind for campersis potted cheese, or cream or *' snappy " cheese putup in tin foil. If not so protected from air it soondries out <strong>and</strong> grows stale. A tin of importedCamembert w^ill be a pleasant surprise on some occasion.Bread, Biscuits.— It iswell to carry enough yeastbread for two or three days, until the game countryis reached <strong>and</strong> camp routine is established. To kee;it fresh, each loaf must be sealed up in VN^axed paptior parchment paper (the latter is best, because it istough, w^aterproof, grease-proof). Bread freezeseasily; for cold-weather luncheons carry toastedbread.Hardtack (pilot bread, ship biscuit) can be re<strong>com</strong>mendedonly for such trips or cruises as do not

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