Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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PROVISIONS 187alone: it lacks flavor, <strong>and</strong> costs more than it isworth. A little mould on the outside of a flitchdoes no harm, but reject bacon that is soft <strong>and</strong>watery, or with jellow fat, or with brownish orblack spots in the lean.Salt Pork {alias middlings, sides, bellies, OldNed, et al.).— Commendable or accursed, accordingto how it is used. Nothing quite equals it in bakingbeans. Savory in some boiled dishes. Whenfried, as a piece de resistance, it successfully resistsmost people's gastric juices, <strong>and</strong> is nauseous to many.Purchaseable at most frontier posts <strong>and</strong> at manybackwoods farms.Smoked Ham.— Small ones generally are tough<strong>and</strong> too salty. Hard to keep in warm or dampweather; moulds easily. Is attractive to blow-flies,which quickly fill it with " skippers," if they canget at it. It kept in a cheesecloth bag, <strong>and</strong> hungin a cool, airy place, a ham will last until eaten up,<strong>and</strong> will be relished. Ham will keep, even in warmweather, if packed in a stout paper bag so as toexclude flies. It will keep indefinitely if sliced,boiled, or fried, <strong>and</strong> put up in tins with melted lardpoured over it to keep out air.Dried Beef.— Cuts from large hams are best.Of limited use in pick-up meals. A notorious thirstbreeder.Not <strong>com</strong>parable to *' jerked " beef, which,unfortunately, is not ia the market. (For the processof jerking venison, see Chapter XV.)Canned Meats <strong>and</strong> Poultry of all descriptionsare quite unfit for steady diet. Devilled or pottedham, chicken, tongue, sausage, <strong>and</strong> the like, areendurable at picnics, <strong>and</strong> valuable in emergencies,as when a hard storm makes outdoor cooking impossible.Canned corned beef makes a passablehash.There is a great difference in quality of cannedmeats. The cheaper br<strong>and</strong>s found in every grocerystore are, generally, abominations. Common canned" roast beef," for example (which has never been'toasted at all. but boiled) is stringv, tasteless, <strong>and</strong>

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