Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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'i8oCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTdisease. Anyone can observe for himself the evileffects of a diet poor in protein but rich in heatingpower by traveling through our " hog <strong>and</strong> hominybelt." Fat pork contains hardly any protein;neither do the cabbage <strong>and</strong> potatoes that usuallyflank it on the negro's or poor-white's table. Asfor corn bread, when made as a plain hoecake orthe like, it is in much the same class, <strong>and</strong> whatprotein it does contain is difficult to digest.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, an undue proportion of leanmeat, fish, dried beans, <strong>and</strong> other high-proteid foods,brings another train of ills. As Dr. Atwater says,"A dog can live on lean meat: he can convert itsmaterial into muscle <strong>and</strong> its energy into heat <strong>and</strong>muscular power. Man can do the same; but sucha one-sided diet would not be best for the dog, <strong>and</strong>itwould be still worse for the man."The problem of a well-balanced ration consistsin supplying daily the right proportion of nutritiveelements in agreeable <strong>and</strong> digestible form. Theproblem of a campaign ration is the same, but cuttingout most of the water <strong>and</strong> waste in which freshfoods abound. However, in getting rid of thewater in fresh meats, fruits, <strong>and</strong> vegetables, w**.lose, unfortunately, much of the volatile essencesthat give these foods their good flavors. This loss— <strong>and</strong> it is a serious one — must be made up bythe camp cook changing the menu as often as he can,by varying the ingredients <strong>and</strong> the processes of cooking.Variety is quite as wel<strong>com</strong>e at the camp boardas anjovhere else — in fact more so, for it is harderto get. Variety need not mean adding to the load-It means substituting, say, three 5-lb. parcels for one15-lb. parcel, so as to have something "different"from day to day.There is an old school of campers who affect toscorn such things."'We take nothing with us,"they say, " but pork, flour, baking powder, salt,sugar, <strong>and</strong> coffee — our guns <strong>and</strong> rods furnish ws\^Jirietv." This sounds sturdy, but there is a dea^

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