Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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174 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTgnats that are bent on suicide <strong>and</strong> on blinding somebody in doing it.First Aid Kits.— There are many kinds ofpocket medicine cases, <strong>and</strong> of first aid boxes fittedwith both medical <strong>and</strong> surgical supplies. Most ofthem are too large <strong>and</strong> heavy to be carried constantlyon the person when a man is afield : they willbe left in camp — <strong>and</strong> camp is not the place whereaccidents are most likely to occur.It is quite important that the little store of firstaid appliances that one does keep always at h<strong>and</strong>should be contained in a case that is air-tight <strong>and</strong>aseptic, yet easy to open <strong>and</strong> close. I have not seena ready fitted emergency case that is so, except thesoldier's first aid packet, which is hermetically sealedin either tin or impermeable cloth. This packagecontains a triangular b<strong>and</strong>age, one or two <strong>com</strong>pressesof sublimated gauze, two safety pins, <strong>and</strong> instructions.A triangular b<strong>and</strong>age is made by dividing a pieceof muslin a yard square into halves by a diagonalcut joining two opposite corners, <strong>and</strong> thoroughlysterilizing it. Cuts are printed on it showing howto b<strong>and</strong>age any major part of the body. Rollerb<strong>and</strong>ages are difficult for untrained people to h<strong>and</strong>le,but anyone can see almost at a glance how to use thetriangular one. A folded neckerchief, or any triangularpiece of cloth, will do as a makeshift, if anaseptic dressing is first applied, in case of an openwound. How to fold the b<strong>and</strong>age before applyingis shown in Fig. io8. A tourniquet to check bleedingis made by folding into a narrow cravat, as indicated,<strong>and</strong> then twisting into rope form.The soldier's packet is intended for a first dressingof gunshot wounds, fractures (with the aid of improvisedsplints), <strong>and</strong> other serious injuries. Onewould not care to open it if he merely had cut histhumb, skinned his knuckle, or blistered his heel.Yet it is the lesser injuries that we are most apt tosuffer^ <strong>and</strong> they certainly should be treated anti-

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