Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CLOTHIiNG 153making: the shoe cool <strong>and</strong> easy to dry out. Thereare no hooks to catch in grass <strong>and</strong> bend out of shape.A pair of these shoes weighs only 2 to 2_^ pounds,according to size. This is a proper weight formarching on ordinary roads, but is too light, ofcourse, for rough service, such as a sportsman'sshoes often are put to. For the hardscrabble ofmountaineering, or going anywhere over sharp rocksor among thorns <strong>and</strong> saw-briers, the leather is toothin ; when it gets wet it goes to pieces.When buying shoes go to a maker who has made,<strong>and</strong> kept, a reputation for using none but goodleather. There is no severer test of leather thanhard usage during frequent wettings <strong>and</strong> dryings;so, when you find a firm of shoemakers that lumberjacksswear by, trust it to turn you out a goodarticle.Waterproofed Shoes.— The army board de'^ided positively against using any waterproofing <strong>com</strong>poundon shoe leather, because waterproofed shoessteam the feet in perspiration, congest them, <strong>and</strong>make them tender, if worn for any considerable time,especially in warm weather.However, it is one thing to march on ordinaryroads <strong>and</strong> another thing to follow wilderness trailsor go where there are none at all. And sportsmenoften are out in cold slush or wet snow. It is truethat no harm <strong>com</strong>es from wet feet so long as onekeeps moving; but if a man has much st<strong>and</strong>ingaround to do with his feet cold <strong>and</strong> wet he willsuffer dis<strong>com</strong>fort <strong>and</strong> quite likely catch a cold. Besides,no matter how good the quality of leather maybe, when it gets soggy it wears badly. Consequently,although the army shoe is just right forwarm weather <strong>and</strong> marching on roads, it is neitherstrong enough nor dry enough for continuous wildernessuse.My advice is to get shoes made over the Munsonlast, of weight suitable for the service in view, <strong>and</strong>have them viscolized or otherwise waterproofed if

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