Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CLOTHING 147game hunting (except when it is cc.M enough forMackinaw's) any coat is a downright nuisance.Have the coat roomy enough to wear a sweateror thick vest under it. Never mind " fit " — thething is hideous anyway. Of course, one can weara modish <strong>and</strong> well-fitting shooting suit, or the like,in the fields near '' civilization," but for wildernesstravel it is as outre as a stag shirt <strong>and</strong> caulked bootswould be on Fifth Avenue.The coat should not be lined. Most linings areso tightly woven that they check ventilation of theskin, <strong>and</strong> they make a garment hard to dry out.Sweaters.— A sweater, or sweater jacket, is<strong>com</strong>fortable to wear around camp in the chill of theevening <strong>and</strong> early morning, <strong>and</strong> its elasticity makesit a good bed garment when there are not enoughblankets. With nothing over it, a sweater is notserviceable in the woods, as it *' picks out," " snags,"<strong>and</strong> catches up burrs as a magnet does iron filings.When you want such a garment at all, you needwarmth a-plenty : so get a thick one of good quality,<strong>and</strong> don't kick at the price. It should have cuffs todraw down over the knuckles, <strong>and</strong> a wide collar toprotect the neck <strong>and</strong> base of the head. The bestcolors are neutral gray <strong>and</strong> brown or tan. Asweater jacket that buttons up in front is more convenientthan the kind that isbut it is not so warm as the latter.Personally, Idrawn over one's head,usually discard the sweater in favorof a Mackinaw shirt, worn hunting fashion with tailoutside. It has all the good points of a sweater,except great elasticity, <strong>and</strong> has the advantages ofshedding rain <strong>and</strong> snow, keeping out wind, wearingwell under hard service, <strong>and</strong> not picking up so muchtrash.Leather Jackets.— In the cold dry air of theFar West a buckskin jacket or hunting shirt is oftenthe best outer garment. It keeps out the keenestwind, is pliable as kid, noiseless, less bulky than a

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