Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CLOTHING 141practical consideration. If woolen garments arewashed like cotton ones — soap rubbed in, scrubbedon a washboard or the like, <strong>and</strong> wrung out — theywill invariably shrink. The only way to preventshrinkage is to soak them in lukewarm suds (preferablyof fels-naphtha or a similar soap), then merelysqueeze out the water by pulling through the h<strong>and</strong>,rinse, squeeze out again, stretch, <strong>and</strong> hang up to dry.This is easy, but it requires a large vessel, <strong>and</strong> sucha vessel few campers have. The alternative is tobuy your undershirts <strong>and</strong> overshirts a size too large,allowing for shrinkage. Drawers must not be oversize,or they will chafe. But one's legs perspiremuch less than his body, <strong>and</strong> need less protection ; so,up to the time of frost, let the drawers be of ribbedcotton, which is permeable <strong>and</strong> dries out quickly.Cotton drawers have the further advantage thatthey do not shrink from the frequent wettings <strong>and</strong>constant rubbings that one's legs get in w^ildernesstravel. Wool, however, is best for wading troutstreams. For riding, the best drawers are of silk.I conclude that for cold weather, for work Inhigh altitudes where changes of temperature aresudden <strong>and</strong> severe, <strong>and</strong> for deep forests w^here thenight air is chilly, woolen underclothes should beworn. In hot climates, <strong>and</strong> for summer wear inopen country, a mixture of silk <strong>and</strong> wool is best,but open-texture linen or cotton does very well. Pajamasshould be of flannel, at all seasons, if onesleeps in a tent or out-of-doors.Union" Suits are not practical in the wilds. Ifyou wade a stream, or get your legs soaked fromwet brush or snow, you can easily take off a pair ofdrawers to dry them, but if wearing a union suit youmust strip from head to foot. Moreover, a unionsuit is hard to wash, <strong>and</strong> it Is a perfect haven forfleas <strong>and</strong> ticks — you can't get rid of the bruteswithout stripping to the buff.Drawers must fit snugly In the crotch, <strong>and</strong> benot too thick, or they will chafe the wearer. Thef

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