Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CLOTHING 139Cloth can be processed in such a waj^ as to berainproof <strong>and</strong> still self-ventilating (this will be consideredlater), but rubber garments <strong>and</strong> oilskins cannotsafely be worn the day long, unless they are veryroomy, <strong>and</strong> the wearer exercises but little. Rubberovershoes, boots, waders, are endurable only in coolweather or cold water, <strong>and</strong> then only if very thickoversocks are worn to hold air <strong>and</strong> absorb moisture.All clothing worn by an outdoorman should beof such texture <strong>and</strong> fit as will allow free play to hismuscles, so he may be active <strong>and</strong> agile, <strong>and</strong> shouldbind as little as possible, especially over vital organs.Garments that are too thick <strong>and</strong> stiff, or too loose atpoints of friction, will chafe the wearer.These are general principles ; now for particulars.Underclothing.— In discussing " togs " weusually begin on the wrong side — the outside.Now the outer garments will vary a great deal, accordingto climate, season, the terrain or waters,<strong>and</strong> according to the sport or work that one is todo; but the integument that <strong>com</strong>es next to one'sskin should vary littleweight.for an outdoorman except inThe material <strong>and</strong> quality of one's underwear areof more consequence than the shell he puts over it,^or his <strong>com</strong>fort <strong>and</strong> health depend more on them.Whenever a man exercises heartily he is sure to perspirefreely, no matter how cold the air may be.Arctic explorers all agree that their chief miserywas from confined moisture freezing on them. Howit is in the dog-days everybody knows — a glowingsun, humidity in the air, <strong>and</strong> sweat trickling fromevery pore because the atmosphere is not dry enoughto take it up.Permeability of cloth to air <strong>and</strong> moisture islargely a matter of texture. Consider the starchedlinen collar <strong>and</strong> the soft collar of an outing shirt;consider a leather sweat-b<strong>and</strong> inthe hat <strong>and</strong> a flannelone, or no sweat-b<strong>and</strong> at all.Underclothing, for any season, should be loosely

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