Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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LIGHT CAMP EQUIPMENT 121the socket is round the stick will twist unless carefullyfitted). I prefer the folding h<strong>and</strong>le, becauseit saves time, <strong>and</strong>, on the very few occasions whenone needs a long stick for h<strong>and</strong>le, he can insert it inthe rings of the Miller h<strong>and</strong>le. Get a pan withhinge that won't work loose.Some sort of baker is almost essential for <strong>com</strong>fortablelife in the woods. The most portable form isthe folding reflector sold by most outfitters. It issimilar to those that our great-gr<strong>and</strong>mothers used tobake biscuit in, before a hearth fire. The top slantslike a shed roof, <strong>and</strong> the bottom like another shedroof turned upside down, the bread pan being inthe middle. The slanting top <strong>and</strong> bottom reflectheat downward upon the top of the baking <strong>and</strong> upwardagainst its bottom, so that bread, for instance^bakes evenly all around.A prime advantage of this cunning utensil is thatbaking can proceed immediately when the fire i?kindled, without waiting for the wood to burn downto coals, <strong>and</strong> without danger of burning the dough.Fish, flesh, <strong>and</strong> fowl can be roasted to a turn in thiscontrivance. It has several better points than anoven, chief of which is its portability, as it folds flat;but it is inferior for corn bread, army biead, etc,<strong>and</strong> impossible for pot-roasts or braising. How touse it Is shown in Chapter XVI.Fig. 76.—Reflector(Angular Back)Fig. 77.—Reflector(Flat Back)Fig. 78.—Reflector(Folded in Case)There are two models of reflectors, one with asingle joint at the rear (Fig. 76), the other withtwo (Fig. 77) <strong>and</strong> a flat back. The latter is more<strong>com</strong>pact, but not so stiff as the other.

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