Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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;LIGHT CAMP EQUIPMENT 117packing box, in a ji%, by cleating the top <strong>and</strong> usingsurgeon's plaster for hinges.One of the most bothersome things in shiftingcamp is to secure opened cans <strong>and</strong> bottles from spilling.Surgeon's plaster does the trick in a twinkling.Put a little square of it over each hole in the milkcan that j^ou opened for breakfast, <strong>and</strong> there will beno leakage. To hold a cork in a bottle, stick anarrow strip of the plaster over the cork <strong>and</strong> downopposite sides of the bottle's neck. To protect thebottle from breaking, run a strip around it at top<strong>and</strong> one at bottom. The caps of baking powdercans or similar tins can be secured to the bodies inthe same way.If your fishing rod sticks at the ferrules, wrap abit of the plaster around each joint to give you agrip, then pull without twisting.Rubber mending tissue (any dry-goods store) isgood to patch a tent, a canoe, or rubber articles(waders, etc.). Cut canvas patch <strong>and</strong> tissue olsame size, place the latter over rent <strong>and</strong> the patchon top, then press with a hot iron or rub with a hot,smooth stone.Dental floss is fine for quick rod repairing, or touse as an emergency leader. It is very strong, readywaxed, waterproof, <strong>and</strong> durable.The list of tools <strong>and</strong> supplies given above is, ofcourse, only suggestive, <strong>and</strong> for trips where thegoing is fairly easy. To each according to his needs.When traveling with horses, take along a hammer,a few spare horseshoes <strong>and</strong> their nails, leathermending kit, <strong>and</strong> the necessary ropes.Lantern.— Kerosene is a nuisance in carriageif so much as a drop escapes anywhere near yourprovisions, it wn'll taint them. Carbide is easy tocarry, <strong>and</strong>, aside from its regular use in an acetylenelantern, makes it easy to start a fire when everythingis wet. A folding pocket lantern of Stonebridge orAlpina type, for c<strong>and</strong>les, is best for men in light

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