Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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112 CAMPING AND WOODUKAFImonto us all, which <strong>com</strong>pels even an experiencedwoodsman to lug along some pet trifle that he doesnot need, but which he would be miserable without.The more absurd this trinket is, the more he loves it.One of my camp-mates for five seasons carried inhis " packer " a big chunk of rosin. When askedwhat it was for, he confessed " : Oh, I'm going toget a fellow to make me a turkey-call, some day, <strong>and</strong>*this is to make it turk.' " Jew's-harps, campstools,shaving-mugs, alarm-clocks, derringers thatnobody could hit anything with, <strong>and</strong> other suchtrifles have been known to ac<strong>com</strong>pany very practicalmen who were otherwise in light marching order.If you have some such thing that you know youcan't sleep well without, stow it religiously in yourkit. It is your " medicine," your amulet against thespooks <strong>and</strong> bogies of the woods. It will dispel thekoosy-oonek. (If you don't know what that means,ask an Eskimo. He may tell you that it means sorcery,witchcraft — <strong>and</strong> so, no doubt, it does to thechildren of nature; but to us children of guile it isthe spell of that imp who hides our pipes,steals ourlast match, <strong>and</strong> brings rain on the just when theywant to go fishing.)No two men have the same " medicine." Mine isa porcelain teacup, minus the h<strong>and</strong>le. It cost memuch trouble to find one that would fit snugly insidethe metal cup in which I brew my tea. Many's thetime it has all but slipped from my fingers <strong>and</strong>dropped upon a rock ; many's the gibe I have sufferedfor its dear sake. But I do love it. Hot indeedmust be the sun, tangled the trail <strong>and</strong> wearythe miles, before I forsake thee, O my frail, coollipped,but ardent teacup!There is something to be said in favor of individualoutfits, every man going <strong>com</strong>pletely equipped<strong>and</strong> quite independent of the others. It is one ofthe delights of single-h<strong>and</strong>ed canoeing, whether 50Ugo alone or cruise in squadron, that every man isfixed to suit himself. Then if any one carries too

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