Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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LIGHT CAMP EQUIPMENTin'nition, flint <strong>and</strong> steel, tomahawk, knife, an awl, aspare pair of moccasins, perhaps, a small bag ofjerked venison, <strong>and</strong> another of parched corn, groundto a coarse meal, which they called " rockahominy "or " coal flour." Their tutors in <strong>woodcraft</strong> oftentraveled lighter than this. An Indian runner wouldstrip to his G-string <strong>and</strong> moccasins, roll up in hissmall blanket a pouch of rockahominy, <strong>and</strong>, armedonly with a bow <strong>and</strong> arrows, he would perform journeysthat no mammal but a wolf could equal. GeneralClark said that when he <strong>and</strong> Lewis, with theirmen, started afoot from the mouth of the ColumbiaRiver on their return trip across the continent, theirtotal store of articles for barter with the Indians forhorses <strong>and</strong> food could have been tied up in two h<strong>and</strong>kerchiefs.But they w^ere woodsmen, every inch otthem.Now it is not needful nor advisable for a camperin our time to suffer hardships from stinting his supplies.It is foolish to take insufficient bedding, or torely upon a diet of pork, beans, <strong>and</strong> hardtack, in acountry where game may be scarce. The knack is instriking a happy medium between too much luggage<strong>and</strong> too little. Ideal outfitting is to have what wewant, when we want it, <strong>and</strong> not to be bothered withanything else. A pair of scales are good things tohave at h<strong>and</strong> when one is making up his packs.Scales of another kind will then fall from his eyes.He w^ill note how the little, unconsidered triflesmount up ; how every bag or tin adds weight.Now let him imagine himself toiling uphill under anAugust sun, or forging through thickety woods, overrocks <strong>and</strong> roots <strong>and</strong> fallen trees, with all this stuffon his back. Again, let him think of a chill, wetnight ahead, <strong>and</strong> of what he will really need to keephimself warm, dry, <strong>and</strong> well ballasted amidships.Balancing these two prospects one against the other,he cannot go far wrong in selecting his outfit.In his charming book. The Forest, Stewart EdwardWhite has spoken of that amusing foible, <strong>com</strong>-

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