Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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TYPES OF LIGHT TENTS 99green wood is kept going all night, about five feet infront of the tent. Of course, this takes a lot ofwood, a good-sized hardwood tree being consumedin a single night, <strong>and</strong> the labor of chopping is rathersevere to any one but a good axeman ; but the workis well repaid by the exquisite <strong>com</strong>fort of lying beforethe blazing backlogs on a cold night, warm astoast, <strong>and</strong> breathing deeply the fresh air of the forest.Such a tent is never damp <strong>and</strong> cheerless, asclosed tents are apt to be. The heat rays are reflecteddownward by the sloping roof, drying theground <strong>and</strong> warming one's bed in a <strong>com</strong>parativelyshort time.Fig.62.— Baker TentA baker tent may be set up on shears (Fig. 62),(Fig. 63), or on a pole nailed from oneor on stakestree to another, or in various other ways suggestedby the location. At the rear a stake is driven foreach corner guy <strong>and</strong> a pole laid outside it, on theground, to which the other guys are made fast; or aframe is made.If the door is stretched straight forward as shownin these illustrations, it will prevent having a fireclose in front where it should be. Ordinarily the

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