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MessageGROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MESSAGETime really flies! Before we know it, October has arrived, and it is just a matter of 3 more months before we bid farewellto 2006.I was glancing through a Bank Negara report for the second quarter of 2006. It was heartening to note that Malaysia’s GDPexpanded by 5.9% in Q2 compared to 5.5% in the first quarter. For the same corresponding periods, inflation increasedto 4.1% from 3.7% (as measured by the Consumer Price Index). On the whole, however, our economy remains robust,with our international reserves reaching almost RM290 billion, and our GDP growth for 2006 projected at between 5.5%- 6%.On the sports front, young Penang lass Nicol David retained her World No. 1 ranking and successfully defended her BritishOpen Squash Championship title with an impressive display of power and finesse, trouncing her rival with an emphatic9-4, 9-1, 9-4 win. There’s just no stopping this 23-year-old gutsy lady! Nicol has, time and again, demonstrated thatMalaysians can become world beaters. Nature and nurture – talent and support – in the right combination and dosage(minus the hype and politics) can truly help more Malaysians to achieve lofty heights in sports. Dare we hope for moreoutstanding sports personalities to emerge from our ranks?We have good news galore for our members and residents. Firstly, for fitness buffs, the whole new extension to the club’sgymnasium is ready, and 4 new treadmills and 3 new cross-trainers have been ordered. Now you can soon run all youwant using our new gym and equipment, and have a magnificent view of the pool while doing it. The existing gym willbe dedicated to muscle building, toning and stretching.Secondly, at the clubhouse, the F&B extension to the Main Wing will be ready soon. With that, you will have more eateriesand entertainment outlets to indulge in, including an Indian restaurant and a fun pub.Thirdly, regular golfers will notice that our caddies have recently sported new uniforms, and what a transformation itwas. They certainly look very trendy now, in their red tops, beige pants, funky black belts, caps and shoes. Cut-off glovesare also on the way for their use, to ensure that your irons and woods are kept sweat-free. Our thanks to Kurnia Insurans(Malaysia) Berhad for their support in this matter.Lastly, our fairways are looking better than ever and our greens are rolling faster and truer. Landscaping has also beenupgraded further, and flowering trees have been added all over the 27 holes. At Hole 17, East 2, for example, when theflowering season begins, the view from the T-box 190 metres away can be quite stunning. The T-box for hole 17, West3, is being improved and extended to add to the challenge of the last 2 finishing holes – a good opportunity to ‘press’or ‘double-up’? Moreover, you can now park your buggy and rest under the beautiful and fragrant bougainvilleas there,while waiting for the front flight to clear.Before I continue to wax lyrical over all the additions and improvements that we are making to the <strong>Resort</strong>, I should talkabout the personality we are featuring in our ongoing series on <strong>Tropicana</strong>’s residents. On the cover of this issue is Mr KimHansen, who is the Managing Director of the Maersk Malaysia Group of Companies. Find out what it is like for him, livinghere in <strong>Tropicana</strong>.All of the above improvements, and more, are due to the hard work of our dedicated staff. Our security boys also deservespecial mention. In addition to their normal duties, they are expected to be expert snake and monkey catchers. They havealso been asked to remove bee hives from the properties of worried home owners. Strictly speaking, our men in uniformare going beyond the call of duty and risking life and limb in undertaking these hazardous tasks, which should rightlybe the job of the Wildlife Department. In fact, our men have been called upon to do almost every other task unrelatedto their job description, including looking for missing maids. I know that it is so convenient to just call us, but I hope thatresidents would spare a thought for our valiant men and contact the proper government departments to carry out therelevant tasks. Their phone numbers are contained in this magazine.I shall end my message with one more piece of good news. On 5th September, we presented a preview of <strong>Tropicana</strong>City, the exciting 3-in-1 commercial project in Petaling Jaya and conducted the official signing ceremony with Carrefour,the anchor tenant of <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall @ <strong>Tropicana</strong> City. The response by potential retailers to our Mall was overwhelmingand there was very wide media coverage as well. There were also a lot of queries from potential investors on the cominglaunch of The Tropics, which consists of 601 units of designer apartments located above the Mall.Read all about it here and also check out the chic lofts that we have specially designed for trendy, urban living. Be amongthe first to book your favourite unit and design.As I will not have the opportunity to do so in the next issue, which will only be out in early 2007, let me be among thefirst to wish our readers, “Happy Deepavali”, “Selamat Hari Raya, Merry Christmas & a happy and blessed New Year”.PK POHGroup Managing DirectorThe Address, 3rd Quarter; July - September 20063

NewsmakerA SimpleLife…at an exclusive residence“I am a simple guy and we live a simple life”was one of his very first statements whenwe visited him at their modern residence in<strong>Tropicana</strong>. Kim Hansen, Danish by nationality,Malaysian at heart, is the Managing Directorof the Maersk Malaysia Group of Companies,and who indeed lives a simple life in<strong>Tropicana</strong>, with his lovely partner Aishah.“Accommodative” and “Hospitable” areunderstatements to describe thisfun and loving couple. In a nutshell,I would say that they suit each otheremotionally and spiritually....by GunaprasathBuilding a better tomorrow…Mr Hansen, or rather Kim, as he prefers to be called, has been withthe Maersk Group for over 15 years now. Maersk is well known asthe world’s largest container shipping line, and the group is alsoengaged in many different shipping and logistics related activities,along with oil and gas exploration as well as various otherindustries. Many years back, after graduation, Kim was offered aposition in Maersk’s International Management Training Program,and despite his ambition to become a stockbroker, he jumped atthe opportunity. There have certainly not been any regrets since;10 years abroad, a successful career and a harmonious private life.Kim moved to Malaysia 7 years back, when he was relocated fromthe HQ in Denmark to Johor Bahru. He got rather used to theJohor lifestyle, and when he was transferred to Kuala Lumpur in2003, he had reservations if he could once again settle down socomfortably. Moving to <strong>Tropicana</strong>, however, cleared his doubts.4

Your people are your backbone…Kim believes that honesty and being truthfulto both one’s own and the company’s values,through good and bad times, are of utmostimportance. People are the company’s mostimportant capital, and must be well taken careof. In return, they would be more inspired andinclined to take care of their company. Walkingthe walk maybe easy, and talking the talk maybesimple, but walking the talk is most important.His main focus in business has always been, andwill always be, his colleagues. He believes thatthey work as one team towards the same goal,and therefore, if one person fails, the whole teamwill fail. Indeed, such an approach has broughtsuccess to him and his team, where everyone isequally important in the organisation, from clerkto senior manager. Persistence and a focusedmind are key elements to breaking down barriersand climbing to the top.The hurdles that came his way...In life, his biggest challenge is to find the rightbalance between work and private life. He haspreviously sacrificed his personal life to providefor the company, but has since come to realizethat this is a poor long term investment. Todayhe has re-arranged his priorities, setting asidemore time for non-work activities. “Efficienttime management means that he leaves inthe morning and is back by 6.30pm every day”Aishah said with a smile on her face, even thoughshe is normally home later than that.Living a dream at <strong>Tropicana</strong>...Kim and Aishah chose <strong>Tropicana</strong> to set up theirhome after a good search in the neighbouringdevelopments. What they were looking for wassimply a place to call home; a convenient locationwhere one can return after work, and relax in atranquil and safe environment. All criteria weremet when they entered the archway of <strong>Tropicana</strong><strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong>. They were both ratherintrigued with the beauty of <strong>Tropicana</strong>’s lushlandscapes and the golf course that surroundsthe housing development. It was indeed a greenhaven for both of them.Today Kim and Aishah live in a beautifulAustralian-designed home at <strong>Tropicana</strong>’s GreenAcres. Their home is simple, contemporary, yetcosy. You would feel as if you were in an artstudio when you walk into their ‘mi casa’, asthey both love modern, abstract paintings andsculptures, and have made a small business outof it; Republic of Modern Art.Kim and Aishah enjoy many activities together,such as backpacking around the globe, theirweekly yoga as well as local hawker stall visits.Their painting business began one day as theywere backpacking and came across a particularpainting they both adore. Needless to say,they purchased it. Soon after they decided topurchase more, brought them to Malaysia.Today they have hundreds of modern art pieceson their walls floor, stacked up for business.Aside from this, they both enjoy a good read;preferably biographies and factual books.Outdoor activities are the cream on their cake.A good jog in the evening is what they enjoy.The surroundings of plants and bright bloomscoupled with the security complements theirmood to run around the neighbourhood. “I couldeven go for a jog at night alone and feel safe”,Aishah proclaimed.Kim, however, enjoys the occasional golf gamewith his buddies, and though time may notalways permit, he tries to complete at least9-hole once a week. They also enjoy otherfacilities the club has to offer such as squash andoutdoor tennis, the swimming pool, the arrayof sumptuous food and of course the extensiveserene landscaping of the whole area.“Contentment is the state where one is satisfiedwith their honest judgement and are able tomaintain a balanced lifestyle and live life to thefullest!” he says.Well, it certainly looks like the lovely couple istruly at home in <strong>Tropicana</strong>.Kim and Aishah sharing a relaxing moment at their cosy homeThe Address, 3rd Quarter; July - September 2006 5

GadgetsAnd what does technologyhave in store for this issue?Take a peak into the latest gadgets that would make you go, “my my”.Innovations that take your breath away…Ice Cream BallEveryone loves ice cream. Wouldn’t it be greatif you could make delicious homemade icecream quickly, easily and without an electricitysocket in sight? And wouldn’t it be even betterif you could play ball whilst doing it? Wellguess what, strange as it sounds, now you can!The ingenious Ice Cream Ball is the fun andeasy way to make yummy homemade icecream. Why? Because the ice cream is formedby rolling the ball around. Simply dump yourice cream ingredients in one end, cram ice androck salt in the other and then play with the ball.After about 20 minutes you’ll have a pint ofdelicious homemade ice cream. No van required!(Having said that, you’re welcome to hum Popeyethe Sailor Man as you shake, pass and roll thedurable polycarbonate Ice Cream Ball around).Your ice cream’s consistency will vary based onthe ingredients, ice/salt mix, outside temperatureand shaking frequency. If it’s not quite right,simply put the lid back on and roll the ball aroundfor a few more minutes.Digital Photo FrameOne of these days you’ll look back and laughat the framed photos currently adorning yourhome and office. Not because of the highlightsin your mullet in that one on the sideboard,but because changing the photo insideinvolves pulling the frame to pieces, diggingout a new pic and…well, you know the drill.Indeed futurologists here at Firebox tell us thatold-style photo frames are destined for the scrapheap. The future of frames is digital. But why waituntil everyone’s wearing identical white jumpsuitsto go digital when you can order a Digital PhotoFrame right now.Each Digital Photo Frame supports image files upto <strong>12</strong> mega pixels and is compatible with loads ofdifferent memory cards and file formats. In fact,there’s not much these miraculous gizmos can’tdo, except order themselves.Voyager GPS 400Being lost is really rather fashionable at themoment. But prancing about on a mysteriousisland with a gaggle of suspiciously glamoroussurvivors is a far cry from pulling out your hair whilstdriving round the same block for the umpteenthtime. And asking for directions is about aseffective as chucking darts at a map because mostof us listen attentively then go ‘what did he say?’That’s why you need the amazing, featurepackedShinco GM-400 GPS. Barely biggerthan an iPod, the stylish Shinco is destined tobecome an indispensable travelling companionas it will guide you to your destination withstunning accuracy, identify points of interestand can be used in and out of the car.Boasting a gorgeous 4” LCD colour touch screenwith day/night mode, the GM-400 displays yourroute via two and three dimensional maps andis accurate to within 3 metres. Indeed, gettinglost will soon be a thing of the past as this smartrechargeable gizmo gives concise, turn-by-turnvoice guidance that anyone can follow.Power BallYou wouldn’t think it from first glance, but a Power Ball is actually a carefully engineered piece of kit originallydesigned to improve the wrist muscles of those who regularly use it.After initially setting the inner section spinning, rhythmic circular hand and wrist movements not onlymaintain the rotation, but also make it steadily faster. The increased centrifugal force makes it harder to keepthe Powerball spinning at the faster speeds. PGA Tour golfer Padraig Harrington has been known to use thePower Ball to improve his wrist strength.The reason Power Ball gets very addictive indeed is due to the rev counter on the top. That means you get ahigh score, and will probably want to beat it as time goes on. It also means that other people, who witnessyour Power Ball antics and see your high score, will call into question your muscular capabilities beforesneering and snatching away the Power Ball to consign your high score to history.Needless to say, male adult humans are the biggest fans of Power Ball’s mix of strength and scoring, but anyone can do it. Once you get over the initialhurdle of starting the gyroscope (there are two main ways - flicking your thumb down the wheel, or using the provided cord to set Power Ball in motionlike you would an old lawnmower), you are compelled to beat your last mark. Perhaps the gentle hum of a Power Ball subconsciously draws you intocontinued play. More likely, it’s the fact that no one calls you a pansy and 11,532 is the score of a legend. Either way, Power Ball genuinely is hard to putdown once you pick it up.6

With fuel prices skyrocketing and showing no signs of going down,it is now a good time to look for fuel saving devices…In order for your car to save fuel, it must make better use of every drop of petrol that you pour into the tankand this is done to improve engine efficiency. Engine efficiency is improved when the fuel that is fed intothe combustion chamber is fully burnt and the most common approach for achieving this higher efficiencyis by feeding ever-finer fuel droplets into the engine.In the days of the carburetor, the fuel droplet size as sufficiently small for early motoring but as consumersdemand more power and better fuel consumption, engineers developed fuel injection in their quest forbetter burning engines. Smaller droplets are easier to burn and if you could find some way to make the fueldroplets more attractive to oxygen molecules then you can further improve the combustion process. AJapanese company appears to have cracked this problem.Max Power Advantage is selling a simple device called Eco-Charge, which consists of a metal strippunched full of triangular flaps. One side is coated rare-earth substance and the whole device is thenstrapped onto a vehicles’ air filter. As air passes over the rare earth, it gets ionized and the charged airparticles then find themselves attracted to the fine fuel mist in the engine. This helps the fuel to releasemore of its potential energy and the result is improved energy efficiency. Max Power claims efficiency ofaround 10% - 15% but a few owners claim that they are getting around 25% improvement in their fuelefficiency and a noticeable leap in power.BetterPower,LessFuelThe Eco-Charge Advantage1. Reduced black smokeAs much as 75% of black smoke will be reduced for diesel engines2. Reduced Hydro Carbon (HC) and Carbon Monoxide (CO)Toxic substances such as hydro carbon and carbon monoxide will bereduced for petrol engines3. Extra power when drivingThe engine responses in a light, quick yet powerful manner - torquepower increases4. Fuel efficiencySince fuel is efficiently converted into energy, mileage per liter isprolonged - the level of dirt in engine oil is decreased5. Cleaner engineThe inhalation-of-air, exhaust valve, cylinder and piston head in an engine can be kept clean byreducing carbon monoxide6. Lasts up to 200,000 kmEco-Charge is cost efficient because it works efficiently up to a travel distance of 200,000 km!Attention business owners and operation managers,For more information, or to try out how effective is Eco-Charge*,please contact us at 03-7803 9500 for an appointment.* Free demonstration will be conducted.Duration period: 1 – 3 months. Terms and conditions apply.www.maxpower-ecocharge.comMax Power Advantage Sdn BhdJ-1-17 Jalan PJU 1/43, Aman Suria Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan • Tel: 03-7803 9500 • Fax: 03-7803 3908Mobile: 0<strong>12</strong>-303 9036 (Yoshihiro Muneyasu) • E-mail: maxpower@maxpower-ecocharge.com

Just Gems<strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall @ <strong>Tropicana</strong> CityReintroducing the Modern & Vibrant Concept of a Neighbourhood Mall in Central PJOn 5 September 2006, Dijaya Corporation Berhad, Malaysia’s multi-award winningdeveloper, announced yet another significant milestone to its line of flagship developments.Called <strong>Tropicana</strong> City, the RM600 million project will occupy 9 acres of freehold land ata central plot in Petaling Jaya, strategic intersection fronting the Sprint Expressway andLebuhraya Damansara-Puchong.<strong>Tropicana</strong> City comprises commercial, retail and residentialinterests within one integrated community, namely the 3-storey<strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall, 601 units of The Tropics designer suites and aSignature Office Tower.In an event-cum-press conference held at <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> &<strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong>, Petaling Jaya, more than <strong>12</strong>0 invited guests,primarily from the retail sector and the media, attended andgained first-hand insight into the exclusive preview of <strong>Tropicana</strong>Mall, the main focus of <strong>Tropicana</strong> City.The entertaining preview presented by Poh was very wellreceived,with Dijaya’s marketing and management team busilyattending to the queries of guests and retailers throughout theevent. Such an overwhelming response was a clear and positiveindication of the public’s confidence in Dijaya’s commitment,integrity and reputation in developing award-winning properties,such as the FIABCI-winning <strong>Tropicana</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> & <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Resort</strong>,Damansara Indah <strong>Resort</strong> Homes and Damansara Intan e-BusinessPark, to name a few.8Invited guests, retailers, bankers and members of the media busily gatheringinformation from Dijaya’s retail and marketing team during the event

Guests, future retailers and members of the media enjoying the PowerPoint presentation of the mall by PohAlthough we are not as big as regional malls, <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall will have something foreveryone. We envision bringing the mall closer to the community, right where theyneed it. The design of the building will steer away from the common “boxy” layout,apparent in most malls of today, to give shoppers and visitors a more relaxed, freeflowinglayout for browsing and shopping.PK Poh,Group Managing Director of Dijaya Corporation BerhadTan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Sedek bin Mohd Ali, Chairman of DijayaCorporation Berhad looks on as PK Poh, Group MD of DijayaCorporation Berhad (left) seals the deal with Shafie Shamsuddin, MDof Magnificient Diagraph Sdn Bhd, or Carrefour (right) after the leaseagreement signing ceremony<strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall is positioned as a neighbourhood mall, bringing theshopping experience closer to the residents and is due for completion bymid 2008. Covering a net lettable space of 390,000 sq ft, the mall will housemore than 180 retail lots spread over 4 themed floors – the Festival MarketPlace, Fashion & Events Floor, Family Floor and Fun & Entertainment.The main anchor tenant will occupy most of the lower ground floor, whilemini anchors are located on each level, comprising a 7-screen cineplex, aterraced 336-seater food court, KTV outlet, bookstore, sports store andhomeware store, among others.Other specialty retail outlets and F&B operators will offer a mix of alfrescocafes and diners, fast food outlets, themed restaurants, fashion boutiques,pharmacies, jewellers, timepiece stores, personal care stores and more.Alliance Bank Berhad is the main project financier for <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall. Duringthe preview event, a lease agreement was signed between Dijaya Land SdnBhd, a subsidiary of Dijaya Corporation Berhad and Magnificient DiagraphSdn Bhd, the operator of Carrefour in Malaysia. This signing ceremonyofficially marks Carrefour, the leading French-based hypermarket chain, asthe main anchor tenant that will occupy <strong>12</strong>5,000 sq ft on the lower groundfloor of the mall. This event received wide coverage by the media as well asTV stations.Poh was optimistic when asked about his views of <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall’ssuccess, especially in times of rising living costs and a competitive clusterof established malls situated within the vicinity. He stressed, “Extensiveresearch has revealed that we are located within a prime catchment areaof 350,000 affluent middle to upper middle income residents, earningmonthly average household incomes of RM9,000 and above, one of thehighest figures in the Klang Valley. 74% of this population falls within ourmain target age group of 15 to 64 years, of which 53% are women.”Inspired by architectural elements during his visit to the world’s currenttallest building, Taipei 101, Poh mentioned that <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall will adoptsome of the ideas he has seen and improve on them to create <strong>Tropicana</strong>Mall’s own distinct, unique features - among which include a signature glassportal at the main entrance façade that glows a golden hue at night, anelevated plaza with multi-level alfresco F&B terraces overlooking a stunningPetaling Jaya skyline, and a glass-domed skylight in the centre court.The Address, 3rd Quarter; July - September 2006 9

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Sedek addressing the audience in his opening speechPicture courtesy of The StarPoh highlighting one of the unique features of <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall during the PowerPoint presentationFor the ultimate convenience and easy accessibilityof shoppers and visitors, the mall is made accessiblevia 7 separate multilevel entrances and 6 exit pointsleading to and from all corners of Petaling Jaya andKuala Lumpur. A total of 4,250 car park bays willbe allocated, out of which 1,700 parking bays aremade available at Damansara Intan e-Business Parklinked by an existing direct underpass. A new RM15million flyover bridge across the Sprint Expresswaywill also be built by the developer, creating adedicated entrance and exit point to and fromKuala Lumpur.Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Sedek, in his openingaddress said, “In line with our leadership position asMalaysia’s premier developer, we are glad to havean equal partner in Carrefour, which is a marketleader in their own right.”Shafie believes that <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall is an ideallocation for Carrefour to expand its operations,given the mall’s central location, prominentvisibility in the SS2 area and prime surroundingcatchment. He said, “We will be introducing theconcept of a modern hypermarket, where nonfoodproducts and imported house brands will bebrought in to cater to this affluent target market.”“Being a key component in <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall is apositive move for us, and we aim to meet ourconsumers’ daily needs better. When Carrefouropens, hundreds of jobs will be made available topeople of all levels from Damansara, Kelana Jayaand Subang Jaya. Combine these factors with ourphilosophy of providing lower prices, high qualityproducts and excellent service, we believe thatCarrefour will flourish in <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall.” he added.During the project brief presentation to invitedretailers and members of the media, Pohhighlighted several facts on the key concept andselling points of <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall.Shafie and Poh answering questionsduring the press conferencePoh elaborating on <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mallto 8TVPress and media representatives busy preparing questionsfor Poh and Shafie during the Q&A session“Although we are not as big as regionalmalls, <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall will have somethingfor everyone. Retail lots will be leased outfor better control of quality in the tenantmix. Also, a lot of emphasis will be focusedon convenience and providing excellent,personalised service. For instance, the Mallwill offer free Wi-Fi service to shoppers,covered taxi stands on the ground and lowerground floors that will provide shelter to ourcustomers from the rain. We will implementeven more services when we open our doors,as I believe these factors will make us standout from other malls.”Apart from <strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall, The Tropicsdesigner suites at <strong>Tropicana</strong> City comprisefreehold properties featuring 3 designs ofchic 2+1 bedroom lofts from 1,040 sq ft, and4 designs of 2-bedroom apartments from 625sq ft. The “early bird” and discounted startingprice is from RM180,000 and show units areopen for viewing from 10am to 5pm daily.The Signature Office Tower will be open for enblocsale to multinational companies lookingto set up or relocate their headquarters inPetaling Jaya. Comprising <strong>12</strong> floors and alettable space of 100,000 sq ft, each floor coversabout 8,000 sq ft, suitable for the occupancyof medium to large-sized companies. Withmore than 200,000 cars passing this centrallocation everyday, the owner of this SignatureOffice will enjoy incredible exposure. Both TheTropics and the Signature Office Tower are duefor completion in 2009.For more information, log on to www.dijaya.com.myor contact the respective department:-<strong>Tropicana</strong> Mall Retail Inquiries > 603-7710 0073(office hours)> 016-662 7799The Tropics Sales Inquiries > 603-7728 2018(office hours)> 016-201 898710

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