Canadian Tax Course Preliminary Program - Tax Executives ...

Canadian Tax Course Preliminary Program - Tax Executives ...

Canadian Tax Course Preliminary Program - Tax Executives ...


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2012<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Course</strong>July 23-27, 2012• The Fairmont Royal York Hotel • Toronto, OntarioDear Colleague:Bienvenue au Canada! For the first time since 2006, <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute will hold a course on the fundamentals of <strong>Canadian</strong>taxation. The pent-up demand for this July 22-27 program in Toronto — designed as much for tax professionals workingoutside of Canada as for those north of the 49th Parallel — is expected to be significant, so I encourage you to registersoon to ensure your participation.The <strong>Canadian</strong> tax scene has changed considerably in the last six years. The good has been mixed with the bad; the opportunitieshave been offset by the challenges. Because the <strong>Canadian</strong> economy weathered the global recession better than the U.S.and most other countries, federal and provincial governments have been able to reduce corporate income tax rates and otherbusiness taxes. Indeed, the Goods and Services <strong>Tax</strong> rate has dropped to five percent and — in an administrative simplification— Ontario has joined Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces in harmonizing provincial consumption taxes with the GST. Asa result, Canada remains an attractive place for investment and business operations in North America.That said, more muscular compliance provisions and enforcement activities have tested business taxpayers. Revised reportingrequirements for foreign affiliates, stricter transfer-pricing rules with heightened documentation requirements, andrefinements of the foreign accrual property income (FAPI) rules have tightened the focus on taxpayers by Canada RevenueAgency. In addition, the rules governing appeals of Large Corporation cases and disclosure requirements present significanttraps for the unwary.To equip TEI members and their staffs to deal with the current <strong>Canadian</strong> tax landscape, TEI will offer an intensive course thelast week of July at The Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto. This first-in-class course will be taught by the “best of thebest” of <strong>Canadian</strong> taxation. Subjects covered will include business/property income, taxation of foreign income, <strong>Canadian</strong>hybrid entities, foreign affiliate rules, relief for correction of mistakes, audit and appeal strategies, and the GST/HST andprovincial sales tax rules (among other topics).In addition, the course will feature a nearly day-long session on preparing a <strong>Canadian</strong> corporate income tax return to illustratethe operative rules in a comprehensive, understandable fashion. With its intended audience including U.S.-based taxprofessionals, several sessions will emphasize inbound investments or non-resident issues.TEI’s Continuing Education Committee has done an outstanding job in planning this comprehensive course. The topics,faculty, and general information about the course are set forth in the accompanying brochure. So are the registration proceduresand deadlines. Participants will also experience first-hand the advantages of TEI’s network of business tax professionals,with members of the Institute’s Toronto Chapter and representatives of several sponsoring firms attending the twoevening functions. Pierre M. Bocti of Hewlett-Packard Company, the Chair of the program, who contributed substantiallyin the planning and development of the <strong>Course</strong>, will also be on site throughout the week to assist participants and quiz thefaculty for clarifications.If history is a guide, the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Course</strong> will not be repeated for several years, so I urge interested people not to missthis opportunity to learn, or review, <strong>Canadian</strong> business taxation from soup to nuts. Enrollment is limited and applicationswill be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.Sincerely yours,David M. PenneyPresident, <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute , Inc.

2012 <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Course</strong>July 23-27, 2012 • Toronto, OntarioCarol FelepchukTD Bank Financial GroupToronto, OntarioSue C. O’DonnellGeneral Motors of Canada, Ltd.Oshawa, OntarioMichael J. WillisLafarge Canada Inc.Toronto, OntarioThursday, July 26, 20128:00 - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast8:30 - 10:00 am Preparing Your <strong>Canadian</strong> Income <strong>Tax</strong> ReturnAbraham IqbalErnst & Young LLPToronto, OntarioEdward KimErnst & Young LLPToronto, OntarioAndrea M. MiloErnst & Young LLPToronto, Ontario10:00 -10:15 am Refreshment Break10:15 am - Noon Preparing Your <strong>Canadian</strong> Income <strong>Tax</strong> Return (Cont.)(Speakers continued)Noon - 1:30 pmLunch1:30 - 3:15 pm Preparing Your <strong>Canadian</strong> Income <strong>Tax</strong> Return (Cont.)(Speakers continued)3:15 - 3:30 pm Refreshment Break3:30 - 5:00 pm Correcting Mistakes: Rectification, Rescission,<strong>Tax</strong>payer ReliefDavid W. ChodikoffMiller Thomson LLPToronto, OntarioKatherine XilinasMiller Thomson LLPToronto, Ontario5:30 - 6:30 pm Reception (sponsored by TBD)Friday, July 27, 20127:30 - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast8:00 - 9:45 am Inbound <strong>Tax</strong> Considerations and PlanningJulie BelovaDeloitte & Touche LLPToronto, OntarioSandra SlaatsDeloitte & Touche LLPToronto, Ontario9:45 - 10:00 am Refreshment Break10:00 - 11:30 am Corporate ReorganizationsSandra M. PereiraDeloitte & Touche LLPToronto, OntarioCharles J.R. TaylorDeloitte & Touche LLPToronto, Ontario11:30 am - 1:00 pm Audits, Appeals, Litigation, and Settlement StrategiesJacques BernierBaker & McKenzie LLPToronto, Ontario1:00 pm Adjournment & Boxed LunchesacknowledgementsTEI wishes to thank the following Sponsors for their generoussupport of this event:• Baker & McKenzie LLP• Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP• DuCharme McMillen & Associates• Grant Thornton LLP• Osler, Hoskins & Harcourt LLP• TEI Region 1 (Canada)CPE Credit Information<strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute is registered with the NationalAssociation of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)as a sponsor of continuing professional education onthe National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards ofaccountancy have final authority on the acceptance ofindividual courses CPE for CPE Credit credit. Complaints Informationregarding registered sponsorsmay be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Website:www.nasba.org.For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaintor refund, please contact TEI directly at 202.638.5601.Date: July 23-27, 2012Delivery Method: Group Live<strong>Program</strong> Level: BasicField of Study: <strong>Tax</strong>esLearning Objectives: Designed to provide a basic understandingand review of <strong>Canadian</strong> income and excise tax conceptsPrerequisite: Less than five years, <strong>Canadian</strong> tax experienceAdvanced Preparation: No advance preparation requiredTotal Possible Minutes: 1,795CPE Credit: 36 credits based on a 50-minute hourCLE Credit: 30 credits based on a 60-minute hour<strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute and TEI Education Fund accord to participants ofany race, color, creed, sex, or national ethnic origin all the rights, privileges,programs, and activities generally accorded or made available toparticipants at its program, courses, and other activities.

General InformationJuly 23-27, 2012 • Toronto, OntarioEligibilityAny TEI member or employee of a TEI member’s company may attend thecourse. Individuals engaged in private law, accounting, or other consultingpractice are ineligible to attend.FormatThe course will feature a combination of lectures and open discussions.Detailed outlines of each session and other materials will be providedto students via email link. Pens, pencils, highlighters, and notepaper willnot be provided. Casual attire is suitable for all educational sessions andother functions.Handout MaterialsMaterials will be posted in a searchable format on a secure website. Beginningtwo weeks before the conference, registrants will be able to access thehandouts via a secure link (requiring a password), so they can downloador print them out. No paper copies will be provided in your registrationmaterials, and onsite printing facilities will be extremely limited. TEI encouragesyou to download or print documents of interest in advance. (Wi-fiwill not be available in the meeting rooms.) Materials will remain accessibleby registrants for one month after the conference.ApplicationsEnrollment is limited and applications will be processed on a first-come,first-served basis. Applicants are encouraged to register via www.tei.org.The application should be typed; if TEI is unable to read the application, itsprocessing may be delayed. Use of the U.S. Postal Service’s overnight mailis acceptable. Other overnight mail services (such as FedEx) will not deliverto TEI’s P.O. Box. Because of TEI’s lockbox procedures, applications shouldnot be sent to TEI’s street address.Students will receive an email confirmation upon their acceptance to thecourse. Should maximum enrollment be reached and TEI cannot acceptyour application, you will be notified immediately. If neither type of noticeis received within two weeks of the date the course begins, it should beassumed that the application was not received by TEI.An application will not be processed unless it is accompanied by payment,and no registrations will be taken over the telephone.8 By Web: Go to www.tei.org. You must login in before registering., By mail: Send registration form with check or credit card information.Mailing address for applications: <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute, P.O. Box 9407,Uniondale, NY 11555-9407. TEI Headquarters: 1200 G Street NW, Ste.300, Washington, D.C. 20005.2 By fax: 202.638.5607. Credit card registrations only. VISA, Master-Card, American Express, Diners Club, and Discover only. To ensureconfidentiality, please fax between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. ET.Applications should be completed in full. The requested information willbe used to comply with continuing education requirements established bystate CPA and bar associations as well as federal antidiscrimination rules.Tuition and ExpensesThe $1,200 U.S. fee covers all program materials and course-related activities;breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday (box lunch Friday); dinnerMonday; a reception Thursday evening. Participants are responsible for allother expenses, including dinner on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, andThursday. Housing is not included in the course registration fee.Arrival, Check-In, and Materials Pick UpThe course runs from Monday morning through Friday afternoon. All participantsshould plan to arrive anytime on Sunday. <strong>Course</strong> materials may bepicked up on the Mezzanine Balcony North. Registrants arriving after thistime may pick up course materials Monday morning. Upon acceptance tothe course, full particulars will be sent to course participants. Note: Non-<strong>Canadian</strong>s will need a passport to enter the country.HousingA discounted block of sleeping romms has been set aside for TEI courseRegistrants. A discounted rate of $179 + tax per night. TEI’s block of roomswill be held until July 1, 2012. Requests for accommodations after thatdate, or sooner if the block sells out, cannot be ensured. Registrants areurged to make their reservations as soon as possible. Call 800.663.7229for reservations.About the FacilityClasses will be held in the Royal York Ballroom. TEI’s registration desk willbe located outside the Royal York Ballroom. The hotel’s address is:The Fairmont Royal York Hotel100 Front Street WestToronto, OntarioCanada MSJ JE3Phone: 416.368.2511 | Fax: 416.368.9040www.fairmont.com/royalyorkRecording DevicesThe use of tape or digital recorders in the classroom is prohibited. Pleaseswitch off mobile phones, email devices, and pagers upon entering themeeting room.Cancellation and Substitution PolicyAll cancellations must be made in writing by 4:00 pm ET on July 9, 2012,and will be subject to an administrative service charge of $75 (U.S.);for cancellations after July 9, 2012 (the date handout materials becomeavailable) and before July 13, 2012, the charge will be $200 (U.S.). Norefunds will be made for cancellations received after July 13, 2012, andfor no-shows. To cancel please send an email to meetings@tei.org. In theevent of cancellation or oversubscription of the course, TEI’s liability islimited to the return of the registration fee.Planning CommitteeDavid M. PenneyGeneral Motors of Canada, Ltd.Oshawa, OntarioPresident, <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong>Institute, IncCarita R. TwinemSpectrum Brands, Inc.Madison, WisconsinChair, TEI’s ContinuingEducation CommitteeCarmine A. ArcariRoyal Bank of CanadaChair, TEI’s <strong>Canadian</strong> Income<strong>Tax</strong> CommitteeKim BerjianConoco Phillips CanadaCalgary, AlbertaVice Chair, TEI’s <strong>Canadian</strong>Commodity <strong>Tax</strong> CommitteePierre M. BoctiHewlett-Packard (Canada) Co.Mississauga, OntarioChair, TEI’s <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Course</strong>David V. DaubarasGE CanadaToronto, OntarioVice President, TEI’s <strong>Canadian</strong>AffairsTimothy J. McCormallyExecutive Director<strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute, Inc.Washington, D.C.Eli J. DickerChief <strong>Tax</strong> Counsel<strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute, Inc.Washington, D.C.Jeffery P. RasmussenTEI <strong>Tax</strong> Counsel<strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute, Inc.Washington, D.C.

2012 <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Course</strong>July 23-27, 2012 • Toronto, OntarioTuition Fee must accompany completed application.Make checks payable to <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute. Fee covers course materials and other items specified in course announcement. Applicationswill be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and must be mailed to <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Executives</strong> Institute, P.O. Box 9407, Uniondale, NY 11555-9407.Applicants are encouraged to register via www.tei.org. Do not mail applications to TEI’s street address. Credit card registrations may befaxed—see below. Questions? Call 202.638.5601.NameNickname for BadgeYour TitleCompanyMailing AddressCity State/Province Zip/ZoneTelephoneFaxEmail♿■ Please check here if you require special accessibility or assistance at this function. We will contact you.Amount (U.S. Funds):■ $1,200 U.S. Member/Non memberCharge to: ■ VISA ■ MasterCard ■ American Express ■ Discover ■ Diners ClubCard NumberExp. DateSignatureCardholder Name (print)If faxing your registration using a credit card, please do so between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm ET to ensure confidentiality. Fax number for registrationsand cancellations is 202.638.5607.All cancellations must be made in writing by 4:00 pm ET on July 9, 2012, and will be subject to an administrative service charge of $75 (U.S.); forcancellations after July 9, 2012 (the date handout materials become available) and before July 13, 2012 the charge will be $200 (U.S.). No refundswill be made for cancellations received after July 13, 2012, and for no-shows. Cancellations must be received in writing. Refunds of credit card registrations,less administrative charge, will be made to credit card account. TEI’s Federal <strong>Tax</strong>payer ID Number is 52-0239291.In accordance with section 274(n) of the Internal Revenue Code, registrants are notified that the portion of the course registration fee attributable to food andbeverage is $400 (U.S.).2012 CTC

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