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A Method to Me<strong>as</strong>ure the Environmental Impact of Pesticides, <strong>Table</strong> 2: List of Pesticides, <strong>Part</strong> 4: <strong>Insecticides</strong> 2012Action: IGR = insect growth regulator, PGR = plant growth regulator, PA = plant activator, CP = crop protectant, BP = biopesticides, B = bacteriacide, AC = acaracide, I = insecticide, F = fungicide, H = herbicide, Fum = Soil fumigantEIQ Revision Date: Date of latest revision. Original = EIQ value from 1992 bulletinOld EIQ Rating: EIQ value from original 1992 bulletin or from previous revision.Missing Data: None=no missing data values, B= toxicity to beneficial insects, P=plant surface half life, Z= toxicity to bees, C=chronic health effects, R=runoff potential, L=leaching potential, S=soil residue half lifeFormula Symbols: DT = Acute dermal toxicity D = Toxicity to birds F = Toxicity to fish Z = Toxicity to bees L = Leaching potential R = Runoff potential S = Soil residue half life SY = Mode of action C = Chronic health effects P = Plant surface health effects B = Toxicity to beneficials(FarmWorker+(B*P*5) (D+B)C(DT*5) C* ((S+P)/2)C*((S+P)/2)(D*((S+P)Formul<strong>as</strong>Consumer+C(DT*5) C(DT*P)L(F*R)(Z*P*3) (Beneficial)+ (Bird)++C(DT*P) *SY)*SY)+L/2*3)Ecological)/(Plant 1/2L) (Beneficial)3CommonName<strong>Insecticides</strong>abamectin,avermecTradeNameActionEIQ totalEIQ RevDateOld EIQRatingMissing DataApplicatorEffectsPickerEffectsFarm WorkerConsumerEffectsGrd H2OLeachingConsumer+ Leachingwww.nysipm.cornell.edu(Fish)+(Bird)+(Bee)+(Beneficial)Fish Birds Bee Beneficials Terrestrial EcologyAgri-mek I 34.68 Mar-08 38.00 Ptin10.00 3.80 13.80 2.90 1.00 3.90 25.00 4.35 28.50 28.50 61.35 86.35acephate Orthene I 24.88 Mar-09 23.38 12.50 2.50 15.00 7.50 5.00 12.50 1.00 9.00 15.00 22.15 46.15 47.15acetamiprid Assail I 28.73 Mar-09 26.90 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 4.35 3.00 7.35 3.00 4.35 17.10 47.50 68.95 71.95acibenzolar S-methylActigard I 20.74 Mar-09 22.60 B5.00 1.90 6.90 4.35 1.00 5.35 25.00 4.35 5.70 14.92 24.97 49.97aldicarb Temik I 38.67 Jan-04 38.67 None 25.00 5.00 30.00 6.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 30.00 15.00 25.00 70.00 75.00allethrin Pynamin I 35.61 Mar-09 36.10 D, B 11.00 4.18 15.18 5.39 1.00 6.39 25.00 7.35 17.10 35.82 60.27 85.27amitraz Mitac I 25.17 Mar-09 23.30 P 22.50 4.50 27.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 25.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 21.00 46.00amitraz Mitac I 25.17 Mar-09 23.30 P 22.50 4.50 27.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 25.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 21.00 46.00avermectin, Agri-mek I 34.68 Mar-08 38.00 Pabamectin10.00 3.80 13.80 2.90 1.00 3.90 25.00 4.35 28.50 28.50 61.35 86.35azadirachtin Turplex, AzadirectI 12.10 Apr-08 12.77 none5.00 1.00 6.00 0.50 5.00 5.50 5.00 1.50 9.00 9.30 19.80 24.80azinphos-methyl Guthion I 53.05 Mar-09 44.90 P 15.00 5.70 20.70 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 36.75 28.50 44.75 110.00 135.00azocyclotin Clairmate I 41.83 Mar-09 New D,Z,S,P,B 15.00 5.70 20.70 2.10 1.00 3.10 25.00 22.05 18.81 35.82 76.68 101.68BacillusthuringiensisXentari, Dipel I 13.33 Mar-08 7.92 P(kustaki)5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.00 4.35 5.70 15.58 25.63 30.63bendiocarb Turcam I 41.04 Mar-09 25.70 P, B 15.00 5.70 20.70 4.35 3.00 7.35 9.00 21.75 28.50 35.82 86.07 95.07bensultap Cartap I 32.21 Mar-09 New S, P, B 15.00 5.70 20.70 2.10 1.00 3.10 25.00 6.30 5.70 35.82 47.82 72.82beta-cyfluthrin, Tempo I 31.57 Jan-04 Original nonecyfluthrin same5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.00 4.35 28.50 47.50 80.35 85.35bifenazate Floramite I 28.10 Mar-09 14.77 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 4.35 17.10 28.50 49.95 74.95bifenthrinBrigade, I 44.35 Apr-08 87.83 PTalstar,Capture10.00 3.80 13.80 6.90 1.00 7.90 25.00 10.35 28.50 47.50 86.35 111.35bistrifluron Hanaro I 32.84 Mar-09 New B,F,P,C,D,Z 9.50 3.61 13.11 1.81 1.00 2.81 18.00 9.98 18.81 35.82 64.60 82.60buprofezin Applaud I 34.97 Feb-10 27.63 P 7.50 4.50 12.00 18.00 1.00 19.00 25.00 12.00 9.00 27.90 48.90 73.90buprofezin Applaud I 34.97 Feb-10 27.63 P 7.50 4.50 12.00 18.00 1.00 19.00 25.00 12.00 9.00 27.90 48.90 73.90carbaryl Sevin I 22.73 Mar-09 21.70 12.50 2.50 15.00 2.50 3.00 5.50 9.00 3.00 15.00 20.70 38.70 47.70Chlordane, IApr-04carbofuran Furadan50.6750.67 None 50.00 10.00 60.00 12.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 30.00 15.00 25.00 70.00 75.00carbosulfan Posse I 47.33 Mar-09 New B, P 5.00 1.90 6.90 7.35 1.00 8.35 25.00 25.73 28.50 47.50 101.73 126.73cartaphydrochlorideSuntap I 47.17 Mar-09 47.17 P,B,C,D,F,R,S,Z,L 28.50 10.83 39.33 11.97 2.00 13.97 11.52 22.05 18.81 35.82 76.6888.20

chlofuazuron I 30.31 Mar-09 New C,P,B 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 1.00 4.99 25.00 6.30 5.70 35.82 47.82 72.82chlorantraniliprole Altacor I 18.34 Mar-09 New D,Z,P 5.00 1.90 6.90 3.45 3.00 6.45 3.00 10.35 18.81 9.50 38.66 41.66chlordane Chlordane I 59.30 Mar-09 Original P, B 37.50 14.25 51.75 5.25 1.00 6.25 25.00 18.90 28.50 47.50 94.90 119.90chlordimeform Bermat I 62.67 Jul-09 C, B,L,R,P 75.00 28.50 103.50 31.50 2.00 33.50 3.20 6.30 5.70 35.82 47.82 51.02chlorethoxyfos or -phosFortress I 37.33 Mar-09 37.30 P, B25.00 5.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 55.00 80.00chlorfenapyr Phantom I 46.11 Mar-09 84.50 P,C,S 6.25 2.38 8.63 7.88 1.00 8.88 25.00 31.50 28.50 35.82 95.82 120.82chlorfenvinphos CFV I 55.58 Mar-09 43.90 D,F,C 47.50 18.05 65.55 4.66 3.00 7.66 10.80 25.73 28.50 28.50 82.73 93.53chloropicrin Brom-o-g<strong>as</strong> I 42.43 Mar-09 36.40 D,Z,P,B 25.00 9.50 34.50 2.45 5.00 7.45 5.00 25.73 18.81 35.82 80.35 85.35chlorpyrifos Lorsban I 26.85 Apr-08 43.50 none 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 9.00 15.00 23.55 47.55 72.55chromafenozide Matric I 20.39 Mar-09 New D, P 5.00 1.90 6.90 7.35 1.00 8.35 5.00 25.73 5.70 9.50 40.93 45.93cinnamaldehyde Cinnamite I 34.56 Jan-03 9.18 C,F,D,Z,B,S,P 5.00 1.90 6.90 6.30 3.00 9.30 10.80 22.05 18.81 35.82 76.68 87.48clofentezine Apollo I 26.28 Mar-09 26.30 P 7.50 1.50 9.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 30.00 3.00 7.85 40.85 65.85clofentezine Apollo I 26.28 Mar-09 26.30 P 7.50 1.50 9.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 30.00 3.00 7.85 40.85 65.85clothianidin Poncho I 32.06 Mar-09 31.78 P, B 7.50 2.85 10.35 5.18 3.00 8.18 3.00 10.35 28.50 35.82 74.67 77.67cryolite Kryocide I 20.16 Mar-09 21.40 Z, S, P 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 1.00 4.99 5.00 6.30 18.81 12.26 37.37 42.37cyfluthrin Baythroid I 39.57 Apr-08 39.60 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 7.35 28.50 47.50 83.35 108.35cyhalothrin, lambda Warrior I 47.22 Mar-09 43.50 C,P,B28.50 10.83 39.33 4.66 1.00 5.66 25.00 7.35 28.50 35.82 71.67 96.67cyhexatin Cyhexatin I 24.20 Jan-05 32.80 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 22.05 5.70 9.50 37.25 62.25cypermethrin Cymbush I 36.35 Mar-09 27.30 P 10.00 3.80 13.80 4.90 1.00 5.90 25.00 7.35 28.50 28.50 64.35 89.35cyromazine Trigard I 18.29 Apr-04 24.18 P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 3.00 13.35 3.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 34.63deltamethrin Deltagard,DecisI 28.38 Apr-08 25.72 none15.00 3.00 18.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 3.00 15.00 22.15 40.15 65.15demeton-S-methyl Meta Systox I 42.83 Mar-09 85.50 S, P 31.25 11.88 43.13 7.88 5.00 12.88 3.00 31.50 28.50 9.50 69.50 72.50diazinon Diazinon I 44.03 Apr-03 43.40 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 21.75 28.50 47.50 97.75 122.75dichlorvos Vapona I 53.27 Mar-09 40.58 S,P,B 30.00 11.40 41.40 12.60 5.00 17.60 5.00 31.50 28.50 35.82 95.82 100.82dicofol Kelthane I 29.92 Mar-09 29.92 P 7.50 2.85 10.35 3.68 1.00 4.68 25.00 7.35 5.70 36.67 49.72 74.72dienochlor Pentac I 34.67 Mar-09 15.10 Z,S,P,B,C 9.50 3.61 13.11 11.97 3.00 14.97 15.00 6.30 18.81 35.82 60.93 75.93diflubenzuron Dimilin I 25.33 Mar-09 25.33 none 5.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 9.00 45.00 60.00 65.00dimethoate Cygon I 33.49 Mar-09 74.00 P 7.50 2.85 10.35 6.53 5.00 11.53 1.00 4.35 28.50 44.75 77.60 78.60dinocap Karathane I 18.35 Apr-04 21.02 None 12.50 2.50 15.00 2.50 3.00 5.50 15.00 3.00 3.00 13.55 19.55 34.55dinotefuran HotShot I 22.26 Jan-05 Original P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 5.00 7.45 1.00 7.35 28.50 15.58 51.43 52.43disulfoton Di-Syston I 101.83 Jan-03 104.50 P,B 62.50 37.50 100.00 22.50 3.00 25.50 15.00 45.00 45.00 75.00 165.00 180.00DNOC Trifocide I 48.18 Mar-09 New S,C,P,B 28.50 10.83 39.33 3.99 3.00 6.99 15.00 18.90 28.50 35.82 83.22 98.22emamectinbenzoateProclaim I 26.28 Jan-03 26.28 D, Z7.50 1.50 9.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 18.00 15.00 7.85 40.85 65.85endosulfan Thiodan I 38.55 Feb-01 42.10 none 22.50 4.50 27.00 4.50 1.00 5.50 25.00 27.00 9.00 22.15 58.15 83.15esfenvalerate Asana I 39.57 Apr-08 39.6 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 7.35 28.50 47.50 83.35 108.35ethion Ethion I 43.20 Jan-07 41.00 B 25.00 15.00 40.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 27.00 9.00 24.60 60.60 85.60ethoprop orethoprophosMocap I 43.21 Mar-09 58.80 P,B50.00 19.00 69.00 2.90 3.00 5.90 9.00 13.05 17.10 15.58 45.73 54.73etoxazole Ter<strong>as</strong>an 5WDGI 13.42 Mar-09 13.42 P, F5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.00 4.35 5.70 15.87 25.92 30.92etoxazole Ter<strong>as</strong>an 5WDGI 13.42 Mar-09 13.42 P, F5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.00 4.35 5.70 15.87 25.92 30.92fenamiphos Nemacur I 71.33 Jan-04 71.33 P 25.00 15.00 40.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 15.00 30.00 45.00 75.00 150.00 165.00fenbutatin-oxide(w<strong>as</strong> hexakis)Vendex I 24.53 Mar-09 27.50 P, C6.13 2.33 8.45 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 7.35 5.70 23.09 36.14 61.14fenoxycarb Comply,PrecisionI 14.15 Dec-00 13.00 P10.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 15.00 3.00 3.00 6.45 12.45 27.45

fenpropathrin Tame, I 25.33 Jan-03 25.33 PDanitrol5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 43.00 68.00fenpyroximate Akari I 19.33 Jan-04 19.33 none 5.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 25.00 6.00 3.00 15.00 24.00 49.00fensulfothion D<strong>as</strong>anit I 59.40 Jan-01 Original C,Z,P,B 47.50 18.05 65.55 8.27 3.00 11.27 25.00 21.75 18.81 35.82 76.38 101.38fenvalerate Pydrin I 39.57 Mar-09 49.60 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 7.35 28.50 47.50 83.35 108.35fipronil Regent I 88.25 Jan-04 90.92 none 30.00 30.00 60.00 8.00 3.00 11.00 15.00 36.00 75.00 67.75 178.75 193.75flonicamid Flonicamid I 8.67 Jan-05 - C 5.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 11.00 12.00flubendiamide Pro<strong>file</strong>r I 19.36 Mar-09 New D 7.50 2.85 10.35 2.18 1.00 3.18 25.00 4.35 5.70 9.50 19.55 44.55flucycloxuron Andalin I 18.50 Mar-09 New S, P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.10 1.00 3.10 5.00 6.30 5.70 28.50 40.50 45.50flufenoxuron C<strong>as</strong>cade I 27.87 Mar-09 27.80 P, S, C 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 1.00 4.99 25.00 6.30 5.70 28.50 40.50 65.50fluvalinate Mavrick I 35.77 Jan-05 46.40 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 7.35 17.10 47.50 71.95 96.95fonofos Dyfonate I 58.72 Mar-09 44.60 none 47.50 18.05 65.55 13.97 3.00 16.97 15.00 25.73 17.10 35.82 78.64 93.64formetanate Carzol I 21.72 Mar-09 21.50 none 9.50 3.61 13.11 2.76 5.00 7.76 3.00 4.35 5.70 31.26 41.31 44.31fosthiazate Cierto I 17.04 Mar-09 New P 7.50 2.85 10.35 6.53 5.00 11.53 1.00 13.05 5.70 9.50 28.25 29.25furathiocarb Promet I 33.30 Jan-04 35.33 B 5.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 25.00 70.00 85.00gamma-cyhalothrin Proaxis I 44.05 Mar-07 New D, P 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 1.00 4.99 25.00 13.04 28.50 47.50 89.04 114.04halofenozide Mach II I 20.29 Jan-04 26.18 P, B, C 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 3.00 13.35 9.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 40.63hexaflumuron Consult I 24.90 Jan-05 - P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 1.00 11.35 25.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 56.63hexaflumuron Consult I 24.90 Jan-05 - P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 1.00 11.35 25.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 56.63hexakis (nowfenbutatin oxide)Vendex I 24.53 Mar-09 12.80 P, C6.13 2.33 8.45 3.00 1.00 4.00 25.00 7.35 5.70 23.09 36.14 61.14hexythiazox Nexygon I 33.00 Jan-03 38.40 none 7.50 7.50 15.00 6.00 1.00 7.00 25.00 12.00 15.00 25.00 52.00 77.00hydramethylnon Extinguish I 21.39 Mar-08 New P, B 7.50 2.85 10.35 2.18 1.00 3.18 25.00 4.35 5.70 15.58 25.63 50.63imidacloprid Admire I 36.71 Dec-08 34.90 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 7.35 3.00 10.35 3.00 22.05 28.50 39.33 89.88 92.88indoxacarb Avaunt I 31.19 Apr-08 42.97 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 13.05 28.50 17.67 59.22 84.22isazofos Triumph I 35.68 Mar-09 30.74 C, Z, P, B 9.50 3.61 13.11 8.27 3.00 11.27 15.00 13.05 18.81 35.82 67.68 82.68isofenphos Oftanol I 89.33 Mar-09 103.50 B 25.00 25.00 50.00 15.00 3.00 18.00 9.00 75.00 75.00 41.00 191.00 200.00lambda-cyhalothrin Warrior,BattleI 44.17 Apr-08 45.50 P15.00 5.70 20.70 2.45 1.00 3.45 25.00 7.35 28.50 47.50 83.35 108.35lindane Lindane I 85.33 Jan-01 69.20 45.00 45.00 90.00 15.00 1.00 16.00 5.00 45.00 75.00 25.00 145.00 150.00lufenuron Match I 16.29 Jan-04 Original none 5.00 1.90 6.90 7.35 1.00 8.35 5.00 7.35 5.70 15.58 28.63 33.63malathion Cythion I 23.83 Apr-04 23.83 none 7.50 1.50 9.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 15.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 43.00 58.00metaflumizone Accel I 32.89 Mar-09 New C,D,R,L,S,P,B 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 2.00 5.99 16.00 22.05 5.70 35.82 63.57 79.57methamidophos Monitor I 36.83 Jan-03 36.80 P 37.50 7.50 45.00 4.50 5.00 9.50 1.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 55.00 56.00methidathion Supracide I 32.67 Mar-09 69.30 none 25.00 5.00 30.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 15.00 9.00 15.00 25.00 49.00 64.00methiocarb Mesural I 22.08 Jan-05 - Z, P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 3.00 4.45 15.00 4.35 19.95 15.58 39.88 54.88methomyl Lannate I 22.00 Apr-08 30.70 none 5.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 11.00 3.00 6.00 15.00 25.00 46.00 49.00methoxychlor Marlate I 53.67 Feb-01 53.67 none 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 1.00 11.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 75.00 105.00 130.00methoxyfenozide Intrepid I 32.08 Jan-03 33.42 P 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 8.00 9.00 15.00 15.00 39.25 69.25 78.25methyl bromide Brom-o-g<strong>as</strong> I 53.57 Mar-09 New P 50.00 24.00 74.00 5.40 5.00 10.40 1.00 40.50 7.20 27.60 75.30 76.30methyl parathion Penncap-M I 35.22 Feb-01 35.22 - 45.00 9.00 54.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 15.00 20.65 38.65 47.65mevinphos Phosdrin I 15.31 Mar-09 28.20 P 25.00 9.50 34.50 4.35 5.00 9.35 5.00 13.05 28.50 35.82 77.37 82.37naled Dibrom I 49.19 Mar-09 37.70 C, P, B 28.50 10.83 39.33 2.76 3.00 5.76 9.00 4.35 28.50 35.82 68.67 77.67novaluronNovaluron10SCI 14.33 Jan-07 New none5.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 15.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 19.00 34.00novaluronNovaluron10SCI 14.33 Jan-07 New none5.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 15.00 6.00 3.00 10.00 19.00 34.00noviflumuron Recruit I 21.63 Jan-05 - P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 1.00 11.35 15.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 46.63noviflumuron Recruit I 21.63 Jan-05 - P, B 5.00 1.90 6.90 10.35 1.00 11.35 15.00 10.35 5.70 15.58 31.63 46.63

Original Original DT,F,Z,B,P,L,oil Oil I 30.09R 10.00 3.80 13.80 4.40 2.20 6.60 8.64 6.60 18.81 35.82 61.23 69.87oxamyl Vydate I 33.33 Mar-09 22.90 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 5.00 6.45 3.00 13.05 28.50 42.09 83.64 86.64oxydemetonmethylIApr-04Met<strong>as</strong>ytox-R75.0375.03 None 50.00 30.00 80.00 12.00 5.00 17.00 3.00 18.00 45.00 62.10 125.10 128.10Mar-09parathion Niran, Phoskil I 69.65104.40 P,C 47.50 18.05 65.55 4.66 1.00 5.66 25.00 36.75 28.50 47.50 112.75 137.75parathion methyl' Penncap-M I 25.97 Mar-09 35.20 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 3.00 4.45 9.00 4.35 5.70 47.50 57.55 66.55Aug-09 Originalpentacholorophenol PCP I 88.63B, P 100.00 48.00 148.00 32.40 3.00 35.40 15.00 24.30 7.20 36.00 67.50 82.50permethrin Ambush I 29.33 Apr-08 88.67 none 10.00 2.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 25.00 6.00 15.00 25.00 46.00 71.00phorate Thimet I 48.83 Mar-09 68.20 D, P, B 25.00 9.50 34.50 7.35 1.00 8.35 25.00 25.73 17.10 35.82 78.64 103.64phosalone Zolone I 34.43 Mar-09 24.40 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 4.35 17.10 47.50 68.95 93.95phosmet Imidan I 32.82 Mar-09 23.90 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 4.35 28.50 31.26 64.11 89.11phosphamidon Swat I 47.78 Mar-09 26.30 22.50 8.55 31.05 6.53 5.00 11.53 3.00 21.75 28.50 47.50 97.75 100.75piperonyl butoxide Butacide I 25.77 Mar-09 20.80 S, P, B 7.50 2.85 10.35 3.15 1.00 4.15 15.00 6.30 5.70 35.82 47.82 62.82pirimicarb Pirimor I 16.00 Jan-03 16.70 none 5.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 1.00 15.00 3.00 15.00 33.00 34.00profenofos Curacron I 59.53 Mar-09 New P 5.00 3.10 8.10 2.05 1.00 3.05 25.00 18.45 46.50 77.50 142.45 167.45propargite Omite I 68.67 Jan-05 42.70 P 10.00 10.00 20.00 8.00 1.00 9.00 25.00 12.00 15.00 125.00 152.00 177.00propoxur Baygon I 35.02 Mar-09 87.30 P 10.00 3.80 13.80 2.90 5.00 7.90 3.00 4.35 28.50 47.50 80.35 83.35pymetrozine Fulfill,Sterling,ChessI 19.57 Jan-03 17.10 none10.00 2.00 12.00 18.00 1.00 19.00 5.00 9.00 3.00 10.70 22.70 27.70pyrethrin Pyronone I 37.12 Mar-09 18.00 B, P 10.00 3.80 13.80 2.90 1.00 3.90 25.00 4.35 28.50 35.82 68.67 93.67pyridaben Pyramite I 31.29 Mar-09 25.80 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 15.00 4.35 28.50 36.67 69.52 84.52pyriproxyfen Distance IGR I 14.67 Jan-03 14.67 P 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 11.00 36.00pyriproxyfen Distance IGR I 14.67 Jan-03 14.67 P 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 11.00 36.00quinalphos Starlux I 42.86 Mar-09 New S,P,B 15.00 5.70 20.70 18.90 1.00 19.90 25.00 18.90 28.50 15.58 62.98 87.98resmethrin Resmethrin I 29.01 Mar-09 33.60 P,B 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 1.00 3.45 5.00 7.35 28.50 35.82 71.67 76.67rotenone Fertilome I 29.43 Mar-09 33.00 S, P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.10 1.00 3.10 15.00 6.30 28.50 28.50 63.30 78.30ryania Ryania I 37.87 Mar-09 Original Z,L,R,P,B,C 9.50 3.61 13.11 7.58 2.00 9.58 4.80 31.50 18.81 35.82 86.13 90.93s-kinoprene Enstar II I 28.04 Mar-09 New Z,L,R,S,P,B 10.00 3.80 13.80 4.20 2.00 6.20 3.20 6.30 18.81 35.82 60.93 64.13s-kinoprene Enstar II I 28.04 Mar-09 New Z,L,R,S,P,B 10.00 3.80 13.80 4.20 2.00 6.20 3.20 6.30 18.81 35.82 60.93 64.13sabadilla Red Devil I 39.41 Original Original DT,D,S,P,R,L 22.50 8.55 31.05 3.15 2.00 5.15 11.52 22.05 17.10 31.35 70.50 82.02soap M-Pede I 19.45Original Original E,T,M,O,F,D,B,S,R,L 9.50 1.90 11.40 3.14 2.00 5.14 12.48 16.34 3.00 10.00 29.34 41.82spinetoram Delegate I 27.78 Mar-09 New P, B, Z 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 15.00 4.35 18.81 35.82 58.98 73.98spinosadSpinTor,TracerI 14.38 Apr-08 17.70 none5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 15.00 12.15 30.15 35.15spiridoclofen Envidor I 17.18 Jan-07 New P,F,D 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 18.00 9.00 5.70 9.50 24.20 42.20spiridoclofen Envidor I 17.18 Jan-07 New P,F,D 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 18.00 9.00 5.70 9.50 24.20 42.20spiromesifen Oberon I 27.93 Mar-09 New D, P 5.00 1.90 6.90 1.45 1.00 2.45 25.00 15.23 5.70 28.50 49.43 74.43spirotetramat Movento I 35.29 Mar-09 New D,F,L,R,S,C,P 9.50 3.61 13.11 3.99 2.00 5.99 11.52 22.05 5.70 47.50 75.25 86.77tebufenozide Confirm I 16.44 Jan-03 17.77 P 5.00 1.90 6.90 2.45 3.00 5.45 9.00 7.35 5.70 14.92 27.97 36.97teflubenzuron Dart I 23.93 Mar-09 New P 5.00 1.90 6.90 7.35 1.00 8.35 15.00 7.35 5.70 28.50 41.55 56.55tefluthrin Force I 25.33 Mar-09 25.30 P, B 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 25.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 43.00 68.00terbufos Counter I 66.00 Apr-03 66.00 P, B 25.00 15.00 40.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 15.00 27.00 27.00 75.00 129.00 144.00thiacloprid Calypso I 31.33 Jan-04 31.33 none 10.00 6.00 16.00 12.00 3.00 15.00 3.00 6.00 9.00 45.00 60.00 63.00thiamethoxam Actara I 33.30 Dec-00 33.30 P 7.50 2.85 10.35 11.03 1.00 12.03 5.00 7.35 28.50 36.67 72.52 77.52

thiocyclam Evisect or I 33.77 Mar-09 NewTryclam15.00 5.70 20.70 4.35 5.00 9.35 5.00 13.05 5.70 47.50 66.25 71.25thiodicarb Larvin I 23.33 Mar-01 23.30 None 15.00 3.00 18.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 25.00 37.00 46.00tralomethrin Saga I 26.67 Jan-03 26.67 none 5.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 25.00 6.00 15.00 25.00 46.00 71.00triazophos,triazofosHostathion I 35.59 Jan-04 Original45.00 17.10 62.10 4.35 3.00 7.35 3.00 13.05 5.70 15.58 34.33 37.33trichlorfon Dipterex I 20.17 Apr-08 14.83 12.50 2.50 15.00 2.50 5.00 7.50 5.00 9.00 9.00 15.00 33.00 38.00triflumuron Alsystin I 34.47 Mar-09 New D,Z,C,P 9.50 3.61 13.11 2.76 1.00 3.76 5.00 15.23 18.81 47.50 81.54 86.54

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