NAEP Private School Brochure (PDF) - Sample Box Proposals

NAEP Private School Brochure (PDF) - Sample Box Proposals NAEP Private School Brochure (PDF) - Sample Box Proposals

<strong>Private</strong> schools have participated in <strong>NAEP</strong> for decades,and the Council for American <strong>Private</strong> Education (CAPE)supports <strong>NAEP</strong> and encourages your participation.JOE MCTIGHE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CAPE


5 Select Gradeand SubjectView Results611

1 Go to The Nation’sReport Card website2 Click onSelected <strong>School</strong>sClick on<strong>Private</strong> <strong>School</strong>s3Click on <strong>NAEP</strong> Resultsfor <strong>Private</strong> <strong>School</strong>s410

We at the Jewish Education Service of NorthAmerica (JESNA) strongly support private schoolparticipation in <strong>NAEP</strong>.DONALD A. SYLVAN, PRESIDENT, JESNAResults for private schools are reported byCatholic schools and other private schools,and can be accessed by following these steps.Step 1Go to 2Click on the link “Selected <strong>School</strong>s.”Step 3Select the link “private schools.”Step 4Select the link “<strong>NAEP</strong> Results for <strong>Private</strong> <strong>School</strong>s.”Step 6An overview of results is shown. Average scoresare displayed in a chart or graph for public schools,other private schools, and Catholic schools.Additional Data Tools: Along with an overview of<strong>NAEP</strong> data for private schools, for more specificresults you can access the <strong>NAEP</strong> Data Explorer(NDE). The NDE provides access to detailed resultsfrom <strong>NAEP</strong>’s assessments. To access the NDE,go to steps are further illustrated on pages10 and 11.Step 5Select the data available by grade, subject,and year.9

PRIVATE SCHOOL RESULTS ONLINE<strong>NAEP</strong> assesses a represen tative sample of private school students atgrades 4, 8, and 12. Several different breakdowns of results are availabledepending on the years, jurisdiction, and level of participation.With high levels of private school studentparticipation, <strong>NAEP</strong> can help provide answersto important questions:How has private school student performancein <strong>NAEP</strong> subjects changed over time?How does the performance of students inprivate schools compare to the performance ofpublic school students?How does the performance of students inCatholic schools compare to the performanceof students in other types of private schools?Findings:Mathematics and ReadingStudents in Catholic schools hadhigher average scores in 2009than in 1998.In 1998 and 2009, studentsin Catholic schools had higheraverage scores than studentsin public schools.8

The Association of Christian <strong>School</strong>s International(ACSI) considers <strong>NAEP</strong> to be a worthy project andsupports the participation of private schools in <strong>NAEP</strong>.BRIAN SIMMONS, PRESIDENT, ACSICatholic school students out performed publicschool fourth- and eighth-grade students in themathematics assessment. Other private schoolstudents also scored higher than their publicschool counterparts. The table below highlightsthe difference in average scale scores betweenpublic, private, and Catholic school students.Results for private schools can only be reportedwhen 70 percent of schools selected for <strong>NAEP</strong>participate in the assessment. In 2011, reportinggroups will be expanded to include ConservativeChristian schools and Lutheran schools.<strong>NAEP</strong> 2005, 2007, and 2009 Mathematics Scale ScoresAVERAGE SCALE SCORES GRADE 4 GRADE 8MATHEMATICS 2005 2007 2009 2005 2007 2009Public 237 239 239 278 280 282Other <strong>Private</strong> ‡ ‡ 247* ‡ ‡ 295*Catholic 244* 246* 245* 290* 292* 297** Significantly different from public schools.‡ Reporting standards not met.Note: The mathematics scale ranges from 0-500.Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institution of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics.National Assessment of Educational Progress (<strong>NAEP</strong>) 2005, 2007, and 2009 Mathematics Assessment.5

PARTICIPATIONOnce you have decided to participate, a local <strong>NAEP</strong> representative willwork directly with a school coor dinator to make assessment arrangements.What is involved?Most students will spend 90 minutes in theassessment session. Students are asked questionson subjects they encounter every day and respondto contextual questions such as the amount ofreading they do and type of classes they take.Trained field staff will bring all assessmentmaterials and administer the assessment.Each principal will be asked todesignate a school coordinator; andinclude the <strong>NAEP</strong> assessment date on theschool calendar.The <strong>NAEP</strong> representative will then work with theschool coordinator to complete logistical items:Register on the My<strong>School</strong> website. <strong>School</strong>sselected for <strong>NAEP</strong> can access detailed informationabout the assessment on this site.<strong>School</strong>s may choose to register for the My<strong>School</strong>website by following these simple steps:> Go to;> Click on the “New My<strong>School</strong> usersREGISTER here” link; and> Complete the registration form. More information, including the school-specificMy<strong>School</strong> registration ID, is sent to schools at thebegining of the 2010-2011 school yearProvide a list of eligible students. <strong>NAEP</strong> uses acomplete list of students in the selected grade todraw a random sample of students to participatein the assessment. The list of students can be6

Adventist Education supports participation of privateschools in <strong>NAEP</strong> so that <strong>NAEP</strong> can develop a completepicture of American education.LARRY BLACKMER, VICE PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION, SEVENTH-DAYADVENTIST CHURCH, NORTH AMERICAN DIVISIONprovided (1) in a hardcopy format that is retainedat the school to be sampled on site by a visiting<strong>NAEP</strong> representative, or (2) electronically forsampling through the secure My<strong>School</strong> website.Your <strong>NAEP</strong> representative will provide furtherinformation on these options and allow you toselect the best method for your school.Inform parents. By law, before the administrationof the assessment, parents of students selectedfor <strong>NAEP</strong> must be informed that their childhas been selected and may be excused fromparticipation for any reason, is not required tofinish the assessment, and is not required toanswer all test questions. The <strong>NAEP</strong> representativewill provide a sample letter and furtherinstructions on how to fulfill this requirement.Meet with the <strong>NAEP</strong> representative priorto the assessment. The <strong>NAEP</strong> representativewill visit your school at an agreed-upon datein January 2011 to review the informationnecessary to prepare for the assessment andto make final arrangements.Ensure that students attend the sessionon assessment day. The school coordinatorshould be available prior to the assessmentstart time to ensure that students report tothe session for which they are selected. Theschool coordinator and/or teachers of theselected students are encouraged to remainin the room during the assessment, althoughthey are not required to do so.What are the responsibilities of the<strong>NAEP</strong> representatives?The <strong>NAEP</strong> representatives work directly withschools. Most of the staff are retired teachers fromthe local area. All <strong>NAEP</strong> staff have submittedfingerprints for an FBI clearance and have signedan oath of confidentiality. A <strong>NAEP</strong> representativewill be assigned to work out assessment logisticswith the school, provide the school coordinator withinstructions for ensuring a successful assessment,and lead the team of <strong>NAEP</strong> assessors on the dayof assessment.7

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