26 June 2012 - Hitchin Girls School

26 June 2012 - Hitchin Girls School

26 June 2012 - Hitchin Girls School


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The results of the <strong>2012</strong> Parent Questionnaire.The review and approval of the Attendance Policy and Young Carers Policy.The committee NOTED the approval of these policies.The review and recommendation for approval of the Home <strong>School</strong> Agreementand Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy.The committee noted the recommendation and APPROVED these policies.In response to a question, Mrs. Manning confirmed that the procedure and supportavailable for students on long term absence due to illness are detailed in theattendance policy.The report was received.5.5 Finance CommitteeMr. Ashley gave a report on the meeting held on 9 May <strong>2012</strong> and the budgetdiscussion on 12 <strong>June</strong>. Key points to note were:The use of some reserves towards the cost of the new two storey classroom inplace of the mobile classroom.The link between student numbers, staff costs and maintaining a balancedbudget. The school continues to closely monitor class sizes and outcomes.The freedom of Academies to review and amend Published Admission Numberswithout statutory consultation compared with the statutory consultation requiredwithin fixed time scales for admissions criteria changes.The regular review at each finance meeting of medium term financial projectionsto ensure necessary actions are taken in sufficient time.The review and approval of the Anti-Bribery Policy and Statement of AccountingPolicies.The committee NOTED the approval of these policies.The review and recommendation for approval of the Data Protection Policy.The committee noted the recommendation and APPROVED the policy.The report was received.5.6 Consortium GovernanceMr. Minton reported on the meeting held on 8 May <strong>2012</strong> between the Headteachersand Governor representatives of the three secondary schools in <strong>Hitchin</strong>. The role ofthe group is to review and oversee the operation of the Sixth Form Consortium.Matters discussed included:The review the funding exchange process and approval of costs.The need to pay for consortium transport costs in future.The ending of funding from SAPG (Strategic Area Partnership Group) for theconsortium. Some funds will be transferred from their reserves for next year,but following this, the three schools will need to bear the cost of employing theconsortium co-ordinator.All members delighted at the closer working and very successful relationshipbetween the students in the three schools and the collaboration between theGB<strong>2012</strong>06<strong>26</strong>.doc Page 4 of 7

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