Study of Drug Utilization Pattern of Glucocorticosteroid Drugs with ...

Study of Drug Utilization Pattern of Glucocorticosteroid Drugs with ...

Study of Drug Utilization Pattern of Glucocorticosteroid Drugs with ...

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Ankit P - <strong>Study</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Utilization</strong> <strong>Pattern</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Glucocorticosteroid</strong> <strong>Drug</strong>s <strong>with</strong> Special Emphasis on their Immediate Adverse Effects in a Tertiary Care Teaching Rural Hospitaldiseases and therapy was collected as per case recordform. All these patients were followed up till theirhospital stay. During visits, patients were asked aboutany adverse drug reactions they had developed. Theircase record files were also seen to detect any adversedrug reaction if recorded. For information regardingadverse drug reactions, a check-list was used. Causalityanalysis as per WHO criteria was performed.The data gathered were tabulated in different parameterslike age, sex, diagnosis, no. <strong>of</strong> drugs/formulationsprescribed, and Adverse <strong>Drug</strong> reactions due toglucocorticoid drugs observed.The data was entered in to SPSS-16 s<strong>of</strong>tware forstatistical analysis, Percentage Calculation.RESULTSDemographic parameterAge wise classificationHighest number <strong>of</strong> patients (68 out <strong>of</strong> 100) werebelonging to 15 - 60 year age group. While 31 patientswere belonging to age group <strong>of</strong> more than 60. Onepatient was from 6-14 year age group (Table 1).Sex wise classificationAmongst one hundred patients, 58 were males and 42were females (Table 2).Classification based on diagnosis (system involved) <strong>of</strong>patientsThere were 130 conditions observed in 100 patients. Onedisease condition was observed in 78 patients, where astwo disease conditions (co-morbidity) were observed in 14patients. Eight patients were diagnosed <strong>with</strong> threeTable1: Age wise classification <strong>of</strong> patients.Age (in Years) Frequency Percent0-5 0 0.06-14 1 1.015-60 68 68.060+ 31 31.0Total 100 100.0Table 2: Sex wise classification <strong>of</strong> patients.Sex Frequency PercentMale 58 58.0Female 42 42.0Total 100 100.0different disease condition. The maximum no. <strong>of</strong> (62 out<strong>of</strong> 130) (47.69%) conditions were related to therespiratory system (Table 3).Other conditions related to the cardiovascular system,skin, ophthalmology, endocrine system, and joints andbones, were diagnosed as 16 (12.30%), 15 (11.54%),11 (8.46%), 8 (6.15%) and 4 (3.08%) patients respectively.Conditions related to the hepato-biliary, allergy, diseaserelated to the central nervous system, and sclerosis wereseen less frequently (Table 3).Total no. <strong>of</strong> formulations prescribed to patients indifferent departmentThe total number <strong>of</strong> drugs prescribed to 100 patientswere 1081 (971 formulations), amongst which 868 drugswere prescribed as single molecule, while 192 drugs wereprescribed as FDCs <strong>of</strong> two drugs (96x2) and 21 drugswere prescribed as FDCs <strong>of</strong> three drugs (7x3)[ (868x1)+(96x2)+(7x3) = 1081]It is found that amongst single molecule drugs (868),glucocorticoids were 211 and other drugs were 657 innumber.While amongst fixed dose combinations, 96 fixed dosecombinations <strong>with</strong> two drugs which did not contain anyglucocorticoid drug and 7 fixed dose combination <strong>with</strong>Table 3: Classification based on diagnosis / system involved <strong>of</strong> patientsDiagnosis Frequency PercentRespiratory System 62 47.69Dermatology 15 11.54Joints & Bones 4 3.08Cvs 16 12.31Endocrine 8 6.15Ophtholmology 11 8.46Miscellaneous Hepato- Biliary 2 1.54Cancer 1 0.77Renal 1 0.77Cns 2 1.54Bee Bite 1 0.77Infection 1 0.77Blood 1 0.77Sclerosis 2 1.54Fever(dengue Or Viral) 1 0.77Allergy 2 1.54Total 130 100.00Indian Journal <strong>of</strong> Pharmacy Practice Volume 3 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2010 19

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