User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

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other problems with the image. I decided to try Hayes method gap filling to see ifthis produced better results.I gap-filled the first three pairs of band files using the Six File Hayes method.Before opening any files, select ‘Gap Fill’ | ‘Gap Fill Hayes Interpolation Method’ |‘Six File Set’. When the data entry box opens, select ‘Add File’. When the dialogbox opens, select the band1 gap file and click ‘Open’. Repeat for the band1 nogapfile. Then repeat for two more successive pairs, i.e. the band2 pair and theband3 pair. Now click ‘Save Path’ and enter a root file name. As usual,PANCROMA will append a band number on the saved output file. Now select‘Run’. Another data entry box will open. This box lets you select the slidingwindow parameters, like the window size and pixel selection criteria. You canjust accept the defaults. When PANCROMA is done processing, it will save yourfiles. You must then process the remaining band4 and band 5 pairs one pair at atime. To do this select ‘Close Graphic Images and Reset’, then select ‘File’ |‘Open’ and open the band4 gap and band4 no-gap files. Then select ‘Gap Fill’ |‘Gap Fill Hayes Interpolation Method’ | ‘Two Files’. Accept the default settingsand save your file manually. Select ‘Close Graphic Images and Reset’ and thenrepeat for your band5 pair.When I had my five Hayes gap filled files I pan sharpened again, using the samesettings as before. My results are shown below. The first file is an RGBcomposite from bands 1, 2 and 3.The next image is the pan sharpened scene at half scale.369

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