User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

User Manual - pancroma

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image shows an unnaturally dark ocean, you can increase the blue channel of allpixels whose blue AND red AND green channel values are all less than the cutoffvalue. The ‘Enable Ocean Adjust’ check box attempts to remedy this. It appliesthe PAN channel increase to only the darkest pixels, which are typically the onescorresponding to the ocean. The lower slider adjusts the cutoff value while theupper slider controls the increase to the pixels below the cutoff. This featureworks pretty well to address this problem for files containing oceans, lakes orrivers.Change Light PixelsThis utility is something of the opposite of Enable Ocean Adjust. Its associatedcutoff slider will likewise select all the pixels darker than the threshold level.However, instead of applying the RGB color adjustment to the dark pixels, itapplies the adjustment to all other pixels. This allows independent adjustment ofthe ocean pixels by the Change Dark Pixels utility and the land pixels using theBlock Ocean Pixels utility.Enable Channel Level AdjustThis utility allows each of the output red, green and blue channels to be adjustedby a specified value, either incremented or decremented. The adjustment valuescan be locked as in the input adjustment described above so that each channel isadjusted by the same value if desired.IMPORTANT NOTE: It is not possible to use the Enable Channel Level Adjustat the same time as Change Light Pixels as they use the same sliders. If it isnecessary to use both, use the Enable Channel Level Adjust utility in the ‘InputChannel Adjust Group’ instead.163

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