UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>1. Spanwire attachment point — 36,000 lb (16,326 kg)2. Messenger padeye — 8,000 lb (3,628 kg)3. Riding line padeye/cleat — 15,000 lb (6,802 kg)4. Jigger tackle padeye — 12,000 lb (5,436 kg)5. Jigger tackle cleat — 3,000 lb (1,360 kg)6. Easing-out line padeye, staple, and cleat — 2,700lb (1,225 kg)7. Probe stowage tiedown padeye, staple, and cleat— 600 lb (272 kg).NoteDetailed weight-testing information can be foundin NAVSEA 59080-TK-STM-010/ Chapter 571.3.6 FUELING PREPARATIONS3.6.1 Receiving <strong>Ships</strong>. As fuel is consumed, shipsmay ballast with seawater to maintain their stability andliquid-protection characteristics. Prior to each replenishment,ships normally must deballast and redistributethe remaining fuel. Receiving ships will:1. Commence deballasting at such a time that completionwill coincide as nearly as practicable withthe scheduled time for fuel transfer. However,during heavy weather, a ship must not deballast tosuch an extent that stability is endangered. Complywith deballasting instructions in the ship’sDamage Control/Casualty Control Book.2. Distribute fuel so that all stations will completefuel transfer at the same time.3. Inform the OTC of any conditions that may affectthe planned fueling schedule.3.6.2 Delivery <strong>Ships</strong>. Delivery ships will:1. Ballast/deballast, strip tanks, and distribute fuel toensure proper trim and maximum pumping rates.2. Promulgate fueling plans showing tanks, valves,and pump lineup to be used.3. Test pumps, winches, and other equipment.4. Inform the OTC of any conditions that may affectthe planned fueling schedule.WIREROPESPAN WIRE(Tensioned)(See Note)SPAN WIRE(Nontensioned)SIZE ININCHES(mm)3/4 (19.0)7/8 (22.2)3/4 (19.0)7/8 (22.2)SADDLE WHIP 1/2 (12.7)3/4 (19.0)MINIMUMLENGTH INFEET (m)800 (243.8)600 (182.8)450 (137.1)STRESS WIRE 1/2 (12.7) CRES Wire(Length to Suit)Note: AE/T-AFS units using a tensioned FAS deliveryrig shall use the highline winch wirerigged through the ram tensioner as thespan wire instead of the inhaul and outhaulwires.Figure 3-3. Wire Rope Requirement forFueling-at-Sea Rigs3.6.3 Checklists. Comprehensive checklists shallbe prepared by each ship to ensure that it is ready in allrespects for the fueling operation. Appendix D maybe used as a guide in preparing individual lists; but,in all cases, checklists must suit the individual ship’sinstallation.3.7 BASIC ALONGSIDE FUELING-AT-SEARIG EQUIPMENTParagraphs 3.7.1 through 3.7.6 describe major equipmentused in alongside fueling operations.3.7.1 Wire Rope. Wire rope used in FAS rigs is inaccordance with paragraph 2.3.1. End fittings shall bein accordance with paragraph 3.12. Sizes and lengthsfor various applications are listed in Figure 3- Fiber Rope. The fiber rope used in FAS rigs isin accordance with paragraph 2.3.2 and the paragraphsbelow. STAR Messenger. The STAR messenger(see Figure 2-9 and paragraph 2.3.5) is the main lineused to assist in hauling the span wire and fuel rig acrossbetween the ships. When sending a single- or doubleproberig to a single-probe receiver, the 60 foot (18.2 m)releasing line section of the STAR messenger will beused as the remating line at the receiving station; theremating line in paragraph is not required. When3-5 ORIGINAL

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