UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>FUEL DELIVERY SHIP RECEIVING SHIP AVAILABLEHOSE SIZE ININCHES (mm)DESIGN PUMPINGCAPABILITYGAL (m 3 )/HR/HOSEF76All AOs, T-AOs, andAOEsAll Types 7 (177.8) 180,000* (681.3)Carriers Destroyers and Frigates 7 (177.8) 180,000* (681.3)AE-21 ClassAE-26 ClassT-AFS-1, 2, 3, 5T-AFS-4, 6, 7All Types ExceptCarriers7 (177.8)7 (177.8)7 (177.8)7 (177.8)7 (177.8)40,000 (151.4)45,000 (170.3)42,000 (159.0)60,000 (227.1)LHA-1 ClassLHD-1 ClassLPH-2 ClassLPD-4 ClassLSD-36 ClassLSD-41/49 ClassDestroyers, Frigates,and Small Auxiliaries7 (177.8)7 (177.8)6 (152.4)4 (101.6)6 (152.4)2-1/2 (63.5)135,000 (511.0)135,000 (511.0)120,000 (454.2)60,000 (227.1)60,000 (227.1)15,000 (56.8)F44All AOs, T-AOs, andAOEsCarriersDestroyers, Frigates,and Auxiliaries Capableof RefuelingHelicopters7 (177.8)2-1/2 (63.5)180,000* (681.3)15,000 (56.8)Carriers Frigates 7 (177.8) 180,000* (681.3)*Rate shown is with fueling probe. For Robb coupling or pigtail, the rate will be less.Figure 3-1. Hose Sizes and Pumping Rates1. Rig availability and design characteristics ofboth the delivery and receiving ships2. Existing weather and sea conditions3. Size and draft of the receiving ship.CAUTIONA ram-tensioned spanwire shall not be usedwhen fueling a small, shallow-draft ship (i.e.,PC, WMEC, MCM, MHC, ARS, ASR, ATF,or ATS).3.4.2 Deviations From Standard Rigs. Standardizationin rigs and in their use assists ships in fuelingexpeditiously. Some deviations from standard rigs maybe necessary to conform with the design features of particularships, but such deviations should be kept to aminimum. Fueling operations may be delayed if theoiler has to make major adjustments to her rigs to accommodatenonstandard installations on the receivingship. Should significant alterations be necessary, typeand fleet commanders should be advised immediatelyso that corrective action may be taken. Such changesmust be incorporated in the ship’s plan.3.5 STATIC-TESTED LOADSTypical static-tested loads for attachment pointslocated at FAS receiving stations (as rigged) are listedbelow.3-2 ORIGINAL

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