UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. Anticipated schedule of transfer to receivingships4. Types and locations of transfer stations on thereceiving ships.The commanding officer retains the final responsibilityfor ensuring that his/her ship is properly loadedwithin its designed capabilities.2.9.3 Loading Procedures. NAVSUP Publication485 details procedures to be followed in loading provisionsand stores. Give special attention to the followingmaterials. Perishables. Of particular importance arethe instructions on handling sensitive fresh provisions,including holding temperatures, ventilation, and humidityconditions. Pilferable Material. Certain small items ofships stores stock, clothing, and other materials are subjectto pilfering. Adequate control of handling and storageare required. Classified and NonconsignedCargo. The supply department of the delivery shipmust designate responsible personnel to check aboardloads of nonconsigned cargo and classified cargo(whether consigned or not). Classified cargo is to behandled with particular care and given the proper classificationstowage in accordance with the Departmentof the Navy Personnel and Information Security ProgramRegulation (OPNAVINST 5510.1).2.9.4 Handling Equipment. The efficiency of thereplenishment operation depends (1) on the efficientmovement of loads from the stowage areas to the transferstation on the delivery ship and (2) on the timely clearingof the landing area on the receiving ship. The type andquantity of handling equipment available on the replenishmentship depends on the ship’s allowance and theship’s usual assignment. The cargo handling equipmentmay consist of forklift trucks, pallet jacks, and otherpower equipment for moving palletized cargo or heavyitems. Where the cargo is not palletized and must bemoved to the transfer area for assembly into net loads orpallet loads, roller conveyors, package conveyors, orother means may be used to move cargo within the ship.Selection of handling equipment for any particular replenishmentoperation will depend on these considerations:1. Size and weight of item2. Breakout condition, prepalletized or single unit3. Stowage location and/or height4. Location with respect to an elevator, hatch, orconveyor.When required, the delivery ship may provide certaincargo handling equipment (for example, palletjacks or Mk 45 handlift trucks) to the receiving ship foruse during the operation. Such equipment shall be returnedbefore breakaway.Because of the differences in available equipmentand the space limitations on combatants, each ship presentsa different problem. It is required that the ships developefficient techniques or methods for handlingincoming cargo loads within the limits of safety andpractical considerations. The strikedown and stowageof provisions and stores must be accomplished on sucha basis that the primary mission of the ship is notcompromised.The capabilities of each ship to handle various cargoloads should be carefully noted for future reference andfor planning purposes.2.10 SAFETY REQUIREMENTSPrimary considerations in every shipboard evolutionare the safety precautions and safety equipment used.2.10.1 Safety Precautions. Personnel assigned totransfer stations must be thoroughly instructed in safetyprecautions. Safety precautions shall be reviewedimmediately prior to each replenishment and must beobserved.1. Only essential personnel shall be allowed at atransfer station during replenishment.2. Life lines should not be lowered unless absolutelynecessary; if lowered, temporary life lines must berigged. Temporary life lines shall be 2-1/4-inch(57.2 mm), 3-strand polyester line, SpecificationMIL-R-30500, or 2-1/4-inch (57.2 mm), 3-strand,nylon line, Specification MIL-R-17343.3. When passing the shot line with a line-throwinggun, the procedures set forth in paragraph2.3.4.4 are to be followed.4. Personnel assigned to each transfer station, includingline and cargo handlers, should removerings, watches, key chains, and other jewelrythat could inadvertently be caught in the rigs,blocks, lines, and cargo.2-38 ORIGINAL

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