UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>items, such as rags, paints, paper, and cleaningmaterials4. T-AFS — T-AF load; plus general stores items,technical supplies (ordnance, electronic, andship’s), repair parts, medical and dental material,ships stores stock, clothing and small stores,and forms and publications; and F76 and packagedlubricants and grease5. AOE — AO and AE combined plus T-AFSload; range of provisions at lesser depth; selectedhigh-volume general stores items.The cargo aboard a replenishment ship is designatedas consigned or nonconsigned. Consigned cargo isstowed on a ship-by-ship basis and is located in a specifichold for issue to particular ships. Nonconsignedcargo, such as provisions, is normally loaded on an itembasis and is stowed for convenience of access for issueon an as-required basis.2.8.2 Submission of Requirements. The operationalcommander or his designated logistic representativewill direct the time and format for submitting requirementsto the replenishment force. The time forsubmission of requirements normally will vary fromlittle or no advance notice for fuel up to 30 days fortechnical (T-AFS) stores items. The required formatmay be an invoice, a formal requisition, or a message.For detailed procedures for submission of requirements,see NAVSUP 4998-P.If it is necessary for the receiving ship to make a specialrequest for supplies not included in its previouslysubmitted requisitions, the required papers should beattached to one of the first messengers exchanged withthe delivery ship.2.8.3 Invoices. Consigned cargo will be carried onbills of lading accompanied by invoices from the invoicingactivity to the receiving ships.Nonconsigned cargo will be invoiced from the supplyactivity to the delivery ship, carried in her stock records,and then invoiced by the delivery ship to the receiving ship.For fuel invoices, the quantity determined as havingbeen transferred by the delivery ship is considered conclusive(see NAVSUP 4998-P). Messages, followed bystandard invoices, will be forwarded to the receivingship as soon as possible.Immediate receipt is required for certain accountableitems. Papers requiring signatures should be transferredwith the first loads in order that the signed receipts maybe returned to the delivery ship prior to the completionof replenishment.For provisions, clothing, and small stores, the deliveryship will use cargo issue slips or their equivalent asa basis for invoicing.2.8.4 Surveys. All stores will be considered as havingbeen transferred once they clear the side of the deliveryship during an alongside replenishment, or arelifted from the helicopter loading platform of the deliveryship during VERTREP. Ammunition and missilesare considered transferred when they safely reach thereceiving ship’s deck (see paragraph LOADING AND HANDLING OF CARGOCargo on replenishment ships is fleet-issue loadedfor quick and easy access and handling for underwaytransfer. Base-loaded supply ships are loaded withoutparticular attention to cargo accessibility while underway,since these ships deliver to a base or unit of the replenishmentforce.2.9.1 Guiding Principles. The primary objectiveof underway replenishment is to effect safe delivery ofthe maximum amount of cargo in a minimum of time.Therefore, the cargo loading, handling, and transfermust be accomplished with careful regard to the followingconsiderations:1. Ready access to cargo for handling and checking,including adequate passageways throughoutthe cargo spaces2. Quantities of the same kind or lot of cargo to bestowed in various holds convenient to as manytransfer stations as possible3. Provisions to be stowed and shored such thatreshoring may be readily accomplished4. Bulky and heavy items to be stowed for ease ofunloading, considering location of transfer andreceiving stations on each ship.2.9.2 Cargo Plan. The location and distribution ofcargo in the replenishment ship is made according to a loadingplan agreed to by representatives of the ship and the loadingdepot. This plan is based on the following considerations:1. Design and construction of the replenishment ship2. Kind and amount of cargo2-37 ORIGINAL

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