UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>1. A minimum of 150 watts2. Controlled by individual switches and variabletransformer dimmers3. Equipped with shields of sufficient dimensionsto avoid illuminating the other ship4. Installed at suitable locations, except that exteriorweather deck lighting may be portable.Illuminate cargo landing, cargo handling, and workingareas in accordance with NAVSEA 0964-000-2000and the following:1. At least two floodlights for illuminating eachcargo landing area. Where practicable, one lightis located forward of the area and directed aft toilluminate the deck area and bulkhead (if applicable).The other light is located aft of the areaand directed forward to illuminate the deck areaand bulkhead (if applicable).2. Floodlights, spaced horizontally at appropriateintervals, for lighting deck working areas. A deckworking area is any area where personnel arehandling lines, stores, ammunition, and so forth.3. At least one floodlight to illuminate the attachmentpoint area. If practicable, locate the floodlightso that it can be directed inboard and downto illuminate the attachment point.4. Floodlights to illuminate the winches used forRAS and FAS rigs. Line-Throwing Gun’s Projectile Light.Use only the approved illuminated projectile at night(see paragraph Lighting for Night Helicopter Operations.For lighting during night operations with helicopters,see paragraph INSPECTION AND TEST FREQUENCY1. FAS and RAS equipment and fittings shall betested upon initial installation using the guidanceof NAVSEA S9086-TK-STM-010 (NSTM 571)and the individual ship’s plan. <strong>Ships</strong> using portablefittings or stowable equipment (that is, pendantstations and retractable sliding padeyes) must ensurethat the fittings or equipment are staticallytested in place for each rig application, port andstarboard, for off-station angles forward and aft.2. Repaired, moved, or modified FAS and RASequipment and fittings shall be tested using theguidance of NAVSEA S9086-TK-STM-010(NSTM 571) to determine what tests are needed.Test loads and arrangements shall be per theship’s overhaul specification and the generalspecifications for overhaul (GSO) of surfaceships, NAVSEA S9AAO-GO5-010/GSO.3. Equipment and fittings shall be inspected priorto each use. When upon visual inspection theyare thought to be defective, they shall be examinedby a tender or repair activity using visualand dye-penetrant methods of inspection. Fittingsmust also be examined to ensure that thecorrect sizes and types of fasteners are used toprevent unauthorized substitutions (bolt size forportable fittings, shackle size, and so forth). Anydefect discovered shall be repaired or replaced.If repair is required, the individual equipment orfitting shall be tested statically.4. It is not necessary to conduct periodic static anddynamic tests of FAS and RAS stations, providedthat inspections are held before each use,that no defects are noted, and that weight testmemos or label plates of the last static and dynamictests are maintained on board.5. Equipment and fittings subjected to excessive strainsduring operation should be visually inspected prior totransferring another load. If transferring ordnance, adummy load shall be shuttled to retest the rig. At thefirst opportunity, affected equipment shall be examinedby a tender or repair activity using visual anddye-penetrant methods of inspection.2.6.1 Transfer Rig Fittings. Rig fittings are designedto withstand the “breaking whip” condition.That is, in the event of high stresses in the transfer systemcaused by excessive ship motion, operator error, orequipment casualty, the rig itself should part, ratherthan the attachment point or structure. It is recognizedthat this cannot be true in all cases.Normally, a 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) IWRC whip is assumedto break at 50,000 lb (22,675 kg). Therefore, rigfittings should be tested to the load at those angles withinthe working range that subject them to the most stress.In rigs where the fittings must take two parts of wire,the load in the rig can become two times 50,000 lb(22,675 kg) or 100,000 lb (45,350 kg). This is an impracticablelevel to which FAS and RAS fittingscan be designed. Therefore, a compromise is made by2-34 ORIGINAL

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