UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>6. Phone boxes must be kept dry by sealing them inplastic bags or similar material before passing.7. Whenever possible, station-to-station soundpoweredphone lines should be passed andhand-tended forward of the rig.2.4.2 Circuit 70MC UNREP Announcing System.This system provides a means of two-way communicationfor control of starboard UNREP stations(circuit 70MC1) and port UNREP stations (circuit70MC2) on some CLF ships.2.4.3 Electric Megaphones. Electric megaphonesmay be used during the approach until phone lines areconnected, and as a standby means of communication.Megaphones should be tested prior to each replenishmentand be readily available during the evolution.2.4.4 Radios. Radios may be used prior to the approachto exchange messages concerning replenishmentcapabilities. They should also be availableduring replenishment to pass vital information incase of an emergency.2.4.5 Flag and Light Signals. Signals discussedbelow are in addition to the lights and shapes requiredby the Rules of the Road. See paragraph Signal Flag Hoists. Display signal flaghoists during replenishment as shown in Figure 2- Transfer Station Markers. Display transferstation markers (bunting, metal, or painted areamarkers for day, and red lights for night) to indicate thetype of commodity that is to be transferred at the station.(See Figures 2-16 and 2-20.) Hand Signals. Use hand signals to parallelall orders passed over sound-powered phones. Handsignals will be given with 12-inch by 12-inch (30.4 cmby 30.4 cm) paddles or 12-inch (30.4 cm) diameter paddlesduring the day or with colored wands on flashlightsat night.1. Assign the transfer station’s signalman specificallyto these duties. The requirement for a signalmanto respond instantaneously to changingsituations precludes his/her collateral assignmentto any other duties (such as phone talker).Position the signalman in an area where he/shecan readily see and be seen by the signalmanwith whom he/she is communicating and by theperson in charge at the station. Signalmen willwear green safety helmets.2. Print the signals shown in Appendix C on thebacks of the signal paddles.3. Red and amber paddles will be of solid colors.Green paddles will contain a 1-inch (25.4 mm)wide, white, diagonal stripe, running from theupper left corner to the bottom right corner.4. Use red and amber signals during rigging andunrigging operations and as operational signalsduring the actual transfer. Use green signals onlyduring the beginning and end of pumping andtransfer operations.5. To augment hand signals in daytime, messagesmay be written in large letters on placards orblackboards. General Procedures for Hand Signals1. Normally each ship signals the action it desiresto be taken on the other ship.2. If the signaled ship is unable to comply with thesignaled action, that ship will initiate the avastsignal. The originating ship will match any avastsignal, halting the operation. The ship initiatingan avast signal must originate the next signalwhen it is ready to proceed.3. When two ships are replenishing from oppositesides of a service ship at night, care must betaken on each alongside ship not to confuse thesignals of the other alongside ship for those ofthe replenishment ship.2.4.6 Task Shapes and Lights. Shapes and lightsrequired by Rule 27 of COMDTINST M16672.2, NavigationRules (International and Inland), shall be displayedin accordance with the criteria below. Day Shapes. <strong>Ships</strong> engaged in alongside replenishmentshall display the required shapes duringdaylight hours from a vantage point that can be seen for adistance of at least 2 miles. Day shapes shall be displayedfrom 30 minutes prior to sunrise until 30 minutesafter sunset. Approach ships shall display the shapes ata centerline halyard, or from the unengaged side, fromthe time that the replenishment approach has started(when ROMEO is close up) until the approach ship hascleared the control ship and is able to maneuver in anunrestricted manner. The control ship shall display theshapes at a centerline halyard, or from the unengagedside when only one side is engaged, whenever an approachship is making an approach, is alongside, or is2-27 ORIGINAL

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