UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>200 FEET (60.9 m) 3/4 INCH (19.0 mm) NYLON2FT(0.6 m)SPLICED5" x 6" (12.7 x 15.2 cm) TAG LABEL"STA/STA PHONE LINE"JACK BOX WITHPRI/SEC CIRCUITSWIREDSPLICEDSINGLEKNOT TYP350 FT (106.6 m) 1-1/2 INCH(38.1 mm) CIRC 3-STRANDPOLYPROPYLENE LINE2FT(0.6 m)6 FT (1.8 m) 3/4 INCH (19.0 mm)NYLON TAIL LINEJACK BOX WITHPRI/SEC CIRCUITSWIREDFigure 2-13. Station-to-Station (Sta/Sta) Phone Linepadeye, or pendant. It must be used with theSTREAM with traveling SURF rig. It must not beused with the STREAM with STAR rig.For details on pelican hooks, cotter pins to use, andthe correct procedure for spreading cotter pins, seeFigure 2-21.2.4 COMMUNICATIONSCommunication equipment required for replenishmentincludes sound-powered phones, circuit 70MCUNREP announcing system, flags, paddles, wands, radios,signal searchlights, and electric megaphones.2.4.1 Sound-Powered Phones. Sound-poweredphones are the primary means of passing information.1. Phone lines must be provided and manned betweenconning stations, between transfer stations,and between the bridge and transferstations.2. Station-to-station phone lines go across at eachtransfer station, attached to the rig messengers. Eachline must be properly tagged for identification.3. Phone leads must be ready for establishing communicationsas soon as jackboxes are received.4. All phone lines must be hand tended.WARNINGTo avoid injury, phone talkers on intershipphone lines shall not fasten the neck straps.5. When sound-powered phone communicationscannot be established, even though both stationsare apparently manned, the person at thestation sending the phone line shall initiate a“test signal” by positioning his arms over hishead to form a “steeple.” Both stations willthen connect hand-test sets to their station’sterminals. If communications still cannot beestablished, the phone line will be replacedimmediately. Personnel at the station returningthe equipment to the originator will tend it bymessenger line to prevent immersion betweenships.2-25 ORIGINAL

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