UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>4. Retrieve rigs in accordance with the proceduresin Chapters 3 through 8.WARNINGNever trip a spanwire or highline undertension.5. Station-to-station and bridge-to-bridge soundpoweredphones should remain connected untilthe rigs are disconnected and clear of the receivingship’s side. The delivery ship should retrieve thestation-to-station phone line, up to the jackbox onthe receiving ship, and hand-tend the phone lineuntil the rig is disconnected.6. When all lines have been released by the receivingship, both ships maneuver as appropriate toget clear. Special Precautions. In the event that ageneral ship’s power loss or a local power loss at atransfer station causes an emergency breakaway, controlwinches and slack off (pay out) wires using the hydraulicbrake on the winch.CAUTIONReleasing the hydraulic brake undertension may cause damage to thehydraulic transmission.The wire can be readily controlled with the hydraulicbrake until power is restored or the wire is payed outover the side. Exercise extreme care when trailing wiresin the water. A turn away from the wire may draw it underthe hull of the ship and into the screw. On ships withwinches equipped with slip or air clutches, the wireshould be allowed to pay out on its own. The hydraulicbrake release should only be used as a last resort. Recommended Emergency Maneuvering.When there is a steering casualty or loss ofpropulsion, use all means available (sound-poweredphones, voice radio, 1MC, or hand-held megaphones)to communicate own ship’s intentions or limitations tothe unit alongside. The flow of information must becontinuous until the danger has passed.If the gyrocompass fails, steering by magnetic compassis frequently not the best alternative. Changes and deviationsin readings from the magnetic compass, because ofthe ship(s) alongside and their relative movements, andthe low sensitivity of the magnetic compass to smallchanges in heading, suggest that there are times (such asduring emergency breakaway) when positive control canonly be obtained by using rudder orders.Emergency maneuvering is essential if either the deliveryor receiving ship experiences a casualty thataffects her speed or steering. Recommended maneuveringprocedures are listed below.1. If the receiving ship experiences a casualty affectingher speed, the delivery ship should attemptto match her speed until breakaway iscomplete, then clear ahead at good speed. Thisprocedure will keep the replenishment gear nearthe surface of the water and reduce the possibilityof fouling own ship’s screws.2. If the delivery ship experiences a casualty affectingher speed, she should request the receivingship to slow down to allow more time fordisconnecting the rigs.3. If either ship experiences a casualty affectingher steering, both ships should take action tominimize relative speed in order to reduce thedamage that may be caused by raking.4. If the delivery ship has a ship alongside to portand starboard and either one veers out, the deliveryship should maintain course and speed. Rigswill thus tend to remain near the surface as theyare retrieved. Practicing Emergency Breakaways.Upon the completion of a normal UNREP, all shipsshould simulate an emergency breakaway (when thesituation permits) to train their crews in the proceduresto be followed. Display of Emergency BreakawayMarkers. Markers for emergency breakaway proceduresshall be displayed on underway replenishment shipswhere they can be readily observed by receiving ships.The marker should contain the following information:EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY1. WE STOP PUMPING/RETRIEVE ALL LOADS2. YOU DISCONNECT HOSES/SURF/STAR3. WE RETRIEVE HOSES/SURF/STAR2-14 ORIGINAL

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