UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>2. Messenger lines, riding lines, and easing-out linesshall be belayed to cleats (similar to the cleats shownin Figure 3-15) that are clear of stores and other interferenceand made ready for instant slacking.3. As soon as the end fitting on the spanwire orhighline is secured to the attachment point on thereceiving ship, an easing-out line is to be riggedthrough the spanwire end fitting or long link ofthe pelican hook. One end is to be belayed to acleat so that the line is ready for easing out. Theeasing-out line shall be 12- to 21-thread manilaand of suitable length to ease the wire clear of theship’s side. Easing-out lines are required forhighlines and spanwires of all RAS and FAS rigs. Conditions Warranting EmergencyBreakaway. Examples of conditions that warrant orderingan emergency breakaway are listed below.1. When either ship experiences an engineeringcasualty that affects her ability to maintain thereplenishment course or speed2. When an enemy contact is reported that presentsimmediate danger to the force3. When a carrier must break off for an emergencylaunch or recovery of aircraft4. When ships separate to the point at which hosesappear in danger of parting, when the separationdistance causes wires to approach the last layer onthe winch drums, or when a casualty or equipmentfailure may result in a tightline condition5. When a rig parts and there is a possibility of thescrew becoming fouled6. When a man is lost overboard and a lifeguardship or helicopter is not on station. Ordering Emergency Breakaway. Theorder for an emergency breakaway may be given by thecommanding officer of either the receiving ship or the deliveryship. Once initiated, the delivery ship will assumecontrol and initiate proper hand signals with appropriateparallel information on the sound-powered phones to thereceiving ship. Paramount in execution of an emergencybreakaway is the allowance of sufficient time for the shipsto disconnect the rigs in an orderly manner.Sound-powered phones and hand signals should bethe primary means of communication for ordering anemergency breakaway, because of the minimal amountof noise generated; however, 1MC, bull horns, andvoice radio circuits should be used, if necessary, to ensurerapid ship-to-ship communications.The danger signal (at least five short blasts) shall besounded by the ship initiating the emergency breakaway toalert all ships in the vicinity. In sounding five short blasts onthe whistle to alert ships in the vicinity of emergency breakaway,due regard should be taken of (1) the tactical situation,(2) the effect of increased noise levels on conningofficer-to-helmsman communication, and (3) the disruptionto intership and intraship sound-powered phone communicationscaused by whistle signals. Radio or evenvisual means may be preferred to whistle signals to notifyships in company. Authorization and/or coordination fornon-use of whistle signals shall be affirmed between shipsinvolved in the underway replenishment and the OTC,prior to commencement of the underway replenishment.The OTC and other ships in the formation shall beinformed immediately of the emergency via voice radioif security permits. Amplifying details must be relayedas soon as possible thereafter. Emergency Breakaway Procedures.When a condition warranting an emergencybreakaway is recognized, take the following actions:1. Notify the following intraship stations of conditionsor situations which require execution of anemergency breakaway:a. Bridge (initiate the danger signal by radio orvisual means, if pre-arranged, or by soundingfive short blasts on the ship’s whistle)b. Cargo control centerc. Fuel control centerd. Fueling stationse. Cargo stations.2. Pass the word between ships in accordance withparagraph Bridge to bridge for all ships alongsideb. Station to stationc. Bridge to OTC and other ships in formation(security permitting).3. Stop all transfers.2-13 ORIGINAL

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