UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>TRANSFER HEADSLACK WIRE ROPEWIRE ROPE POLE CUTTERCUTTING A NONTENSIONED WIRE ROPEFigure 2-5. Cutting a Nontensioned Wire RopeWARNINGNever use wire rope cutters to cut atensioned wire rope.Explosive-charged, velocity, pole-type, wire ropecutters are required at transfer stations as follows: twocutters at each STREAM solid cargo station on anUNREP ship and at each double-Burton station; onecutter at each nontensioned solid cargo station on anUNREP ship and at each Burton station on other Burtoncapableships (CV, LPH, and so forth). Exchange of Information Between<strong>Ships</strong>. After station-to-station communications havebeen established, the safety officer at each transfer stationon the delivery ship should contact the correspondingsafety officer on the receiving ship and review — indetail — the procedures for an emergency breakaway.The delivery ship shall send over with the first lines ateach station written instructions for breakaway applicableto the rig being used. As soon as bridge-to-bridgecommunication is established, commanding officersshould review — in detail — all actions to be taken inthe event of an emergency breakaway. Preparation of Lines. Since an emergencymay occur at any time during the replenishmentoperation, preparations must be made upon receipt ofthe first line.1. All lines, as they are brought aboard, shall befaked clear for running in the direction of tendand maintained faked down (if possible) duringthe replenishment. Messengers are to be returnedin accordance with the procedures for theapplicable rigs.2-12 ORIGINAL

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