UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>1. Attaining and maintaining a position relative tothe control ship that is optimum for safe tendingand handling of the rigs passed between theships. (See paragraph 2.2.5 and Figure 2-3.)2. Responding to required course or speed changes— in close coordination with the control ship.During the maneuver, the conning officer shallconstantly observe:a. Gyro headingb. Rate of turn during a course changec. Distance to delivery shipd. Paralleled relationship of shipse. Fore-and-aft position relative to the control ship.3. During course changes, ensuring that orders tothe helm are given in terms of course (in preferenceto rudder angle). The conning officer mayinitiate a course change by ordering:a. “Come right (left) to course ____ .” This methodis appropriate for course changes of less than 5°and for large ships with slow rudder response.b. Continuous course changes in 1° or 2° steps(that is, “Steer ____ ”). This method is desirablefor turns of 5° or more and is used bysmall ships with quick rudder response.4. Maneuvering to and from station alongside withdue regard for the effects of close approaches,high relative speeds, and sea and wind on boththe approach ship and the control ship.5. Making the required readiness (ROMEO) signalsfor approach and transfer in accordancewith the signal flag hoists illustrated in Figures2-2 and 2-15 or by flashing light at night. (Seeparagraph 2.2.3.)6. Displaying the appropriate international signalshapes (or task lights at night) from the time ofcommencing the approach until clear of the controlship. (See paragraph 2.4.6.)7. Furnishing and hand-tending the bridge-to-bridgephone/distance line. (See paragraphs 2.3.6 through2.3.6.3.)8. Hand-tending the station-to-station phone lines.9. Making the required disengagement (PREP)signals for departure in accordance with the signalflag hoists in Figures 2-2 and 2-15. (Seeparagraph 2.2.10.)2.1.3 Delivery Ship. The delivery ship is normallythe control ship and will assume — unless otherwisespecified herein, or as directed by the OTC — the responsibilitiesof the control ship. The delivery ship isalso responsible for these duties:1. Making the preparations for and carrying out thedelivery ship’s procedures prescribed elsewherein this publication for the rig to be used or for thesituation encountered.2. Furnishing the rigs, including the bolos or gunlines, station-to-station phone lines, and rig messengers.Exceptions are:a. CV, LHA, LHD, or LPH always furnishes thebolos or gun lines. Other air-capable receivingships, because of operational necessitywith aircraft on deck, also furnish the bolos orgun lines, and will so advise the delivery shipwhen in waiting station.CAUTIONAir-capable ships under normal conditionsshould secure aircraft in the hangar, prior tothe UNREP.b. Carriers and cruisers furnish and handle synthetichighlines for transfers to or from othertypes of ships.c. When Burton and double-Burton rigs are used,the receiving ship furnishes (1) the rig messengerfor its own Burton whip and (2) the stationto-stationphone line at each Burton station.3. When the receiving ship has a complement of 50men or less: passing the zero end of the bridgeto-bridgephone/distance line to the receivingship, instead of the lead line messenger. The deliveryship shall send and hand-tend all phonelines.2.1.4 Receiving Ship. The receiving ship is ordinarilythe approach ship and will assume — unless otherwisespecified herein, or as directed by the OTC —the responsibilities of the approach ship. The receivingship is also responsible for these duties:2-2 ORIGINAL

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