UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>WARNINGPotable water hose that has been stored witheither end uncapped or unplugged is contaminated.Do not use hose to transferpotable water until it has been disinfected.3. When moving hose, do not drag it along thedeck.4. Do not immerse hose or end fittings in water, exceptin disinfecting solution to disinfect them.5. Do not install potable water hose on a rig untiljust before the UNREP operation.6. Do not remove hose end caps or plugs whilehose is hanging on an UNREP rig.L.1.4 Potable Water Operation. Potable waterhose and risers require special operating proceduresduring an UNREP to prevent water contamination.1. Delivery station must ensure that the leadingdelivery hose cap is securely in place beforesending the hose.2. Both stations remove the hose end cap or endplug (as appropriate) once the receiving stationreceives the hose.3. Both stations immerse the hose end caps orplugs in a solution containing at least 100 PPMFAC. Leave fittings in solution for at least 2minutes.4. Both stations remove riser caps and thoroughlyswab the potable water riser exterior and riser interior(back to the valve closure) with a solutioncontaining at least 100 PPM FAC.5. Delivery station connects potable water hose topotable water riser.6. Receiving station aims potable water hose overboard.Delivery station pumps potable water toflush hose for 15 to 30 seconds.8. Both stations open potable water riser valvesand transfer water.9. Delivery station may blow down or back suctionpotable water hose once pumping has ceased.10. Both stations secure potable water riser valvesonce transfer and blowdown or back suction iscomplete.11. Both stations remove hose caps or plugs from solutionand cap or plug hose ends (as appropriate).12. Both stations thoroughly swab the potable waterriser caps, interior and exterior, and install capson risers.13. Delivery station retrieves hose.14. Delivery station removes potable water hosefrom UNREP rig and stows it in the potable waterhose locker. Do not leave potable water hoseon a fuel delivery rig after an UNREP exceptduring a day when potable water will be deliveredfrom that station to more than one ship.Do not leave potable water hose on an UN-REP rig during freezing weather. Waterremaining in hose will freeze and coulddamage hose.Leaving hose on a rig longer than a day willcontaminate the hose and require disinfectingthe hose.L.2 REFERENCESWARNINGCAUTIONNAVSEA Technical Manual 533, Potable WaterSystemsNAVMED P-5010-6, Manual of <strong>Naval</strong> PreventiveMedicine7. Receiving station connects potable water hose topotable water riser.L-2 ORIGINAL

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