UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>APPENDIX LPotable Water TransferL.1 POTABLE WATER TRANSFERTransfer of potable water during UNREP operationsrequires special preparations and operating procedures toprevent contamination of the potable water.L.1.1 Hose Preparation and Disinfection. Newhoses must be prepared and disinfected before they areused to transfer potable water. Previously preparedhoses that are known or suspected to be contaminatedmust be re-disinfected before they are used to transferpotable water. Hoses can be contaminated by carelesshandling, by improperly storing them without end capsor plugs, by immersing them in harbor water or seawater(without end caps or plugs), or by using them totransfer seawater, boiler feedwater, or water from anunapproved source.WARNINGPotable water hose must only be used totransfer potable water. If a potable waterhose is used to transfer a nonwater product(fuel, lube oil, oily waste, etc.), it cannot bedecontaminated and may not be used totransfer potable water.1. Prepare new hoses that are to be used for potablewater transfer by painting the outside of the endcoupling, caps, and plugs dark blue (avoidingany threads). Also label the hose every 10 feet (3m) “POTABLE WATER ONLY.” Preparehoses that have been contaminated by touchingup the fitting paint and hose labels.2. Flush hose thoroughly with potable water.3. Disinfect hose by filling it completely with a solutioncontaining at least 100 PPM of free availablechlorine (FAC). Leave solution in hose forat least 2 minutes. Prepare solution perNAVSEA Technical Manual, Chapter 533, PotableWater Systems, or NAVMED P-5010-6,Manual of <strong>Naval</strong> Preventive Medicine, Chapter6, Water Supply Afloat.4. Drain hose.5. Immerse the hose end couplings, plugs, and capsin a solution containing at least 100 PPM FAC.Leave fitting in solution at least 2 minutes.6. Drain fittings.7. Cap or plug (as appropriate) hose free ends beforestowing hose.L.1.2 Hose Stowage Precautions. Potable waterhoses require special stowage precautions to preventhose contamination.1. Cap or plug (as appropriate) potable water hosefree ends when hose is not in use.2. Stow potable water hose only in designated potablewater hose lockers.3. Potable water hose stowage lockers must beratproof, be provided with a lock, and be elevatedat least 18 inches (.45 m) off the deck ifthey are located on weather decks or sponsons.4. Lock potable water hose stowage lockers whennot removing or stowing hose.L.1.3 Hose Handling. Potable water hoses requirespecial handling precautions to prevent hosecontamination.1. Do not remove potable water hose from stowagelocker except to inspect it or use it.2. Ensure both free ends of a potable water hose arecapped or plugged (as appropriate) before movingthe hose.L-1 ORIGINAL

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