UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>E.7 COMMUNICATIONSCommunications will be in accordance with NTP-10. Theextracts herein provide the broad communications concept.NoteThese instructions provide special communicationsinstructions to MSC-controlled tankers(USNS and chartered) providing extendedlogistical support directly to the fleet. Theseinstructions do not apply to oilers withmilitary communications departments aboard.E.7.1 Communications Guard. All tankers controlledby MSC are equipped with INMARSAT terminalsthat shall remain activated at all times. Messages toand from ships are processed through the Navy CommunicationsProcessing and Routing System (NAVCOM-PARS) via a torn-tape interface at MSC headquarters.This is the ship’s primary communications system, asdescribed in NTP-10; secondary communication guardarrangements may be made using HF SITOR, CoastGuard or commercial stations, or MERCAST.E.7.2 Communications Guard Shift. <strong>Ships</strong> willnot secure INMARSAT terminals when in port unlessinport operation is prohibited by the host country. Aguard shift message will be sent in accordance withNTP-10 each time there is a change in the primaryguard (INMARSAT) or the secondary guard (commercialbackup or inport agent). This allows MSC Headquartersinterface to reroute messages immediately if acasualty occurs to the INMARSAT terminal.E.7.3 Ship-to-Shore Circuits. INMARSAT shallbe the primary method of clearing outgoing message traffic.US Coast Guard worldwide Automated MerchantVessel Reporting (AMVER) system and SITOR circuitsare a secondary means of sending ship-to-shore messages.Frequencies are listed in the AMVER bulletin.If INMARSAT, AMVER, or SITOR circuits are notavailable, commercial circuits may be utilized.E.7.4 Task Group Common (Voice). The shipshall maintain voice communications with the taskgroup as directed by the task group commander. Transmissionsshall be kept to a minimum consistent withoperations. Transmitter power shall not exceed that requiredfor reliable communications. UHF or VHF FMmarine radiotelephone shall be used wherever possibleand shall be used as the primary means of voice communicationswhen in company or when rendezvousingwith Navy ships. The ship’s voice call sign will be theship’s name unless assigned a separate distinct callsign. A secondary HF single-sideband task group commonfrequency may be designated for emergency coordinationby higher authority.E.7.5 Interim Command Switchboard Circuits.ICSB circuits provide a means whereby ships can communicatedirectly with shore-based commands viameans of a radiotelephone circuit patched through a navalcommunication station. ICSB is limited to thoseships having a single-sideband capability, and standardprocedures for placing an ICSB call must be adhered to.ICSB stations, frequencies, and callup procedures willbe provided by the briefing team.E.7.6 Amateur Radio Transmissions. A unitunder the operational control of a fleet commander may,at the discretion of the master, conduct amateur radio operationsprovided the ship is in international waters.E.7.7 Radiotelephone Procedures. Transmissionswill be short, concise, and clear, consistent withclarity. Adherence to prescribed procedures is mandatory.The following basic rules shall be strictly observedon all radiotelephone circuits:1. No transmission shall be made which has notbeen authorized by the proper authority (master).2. Classified information will not be discussed overnonsecure circuits regardless of the frequency used.3. Directed radio silence must not be violated.4. Unofficial conversation between operators is forbidden.5. Permission must be obtained before transmittingon a controlled net.6. Operator’s personal name or call sign must notbe transmitted.7. Use of plain language in place of applicableprowords or operating signals is unauthorized.8. Profane, indecent, or obscene language must notbe transmitted.E.7.8 Communication Operating Signals. NTP-10 contains the communication operating signals.E.7.9 Geographic Locations in Message Addresses.The geographic locations of message addresseesare required and must include the city or townE-5 ORIGINAL

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