UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>as to risk hazard to the ship. When involved in storm evasionor when directed, report every 6 hours by immediateprecedence message: position (reference point), course,speed, wind speed and direction, sea height and direction,bunkers and water aboard, and an assessment of the situationand intentions. Addressees will include appropriatefleet weather centers.E.6.3.6 Fuel Transfer/Load Reports. A status reportshall be made on completion of each consolidationor inport refueling evolution. This report will contain,as applicable:1. Ship consoled and/or refueled2. Amount of each product transferred (Mbbls)3. Amount of each product remaining (Mbbls)4. Amount of each product loaded5. Total of each product aboard.In addition, a report of each bunkering from ship’scargo shall be made (Mbbls), including the applicablecargo fuel remaining.E.6.3.7 Material and Personnel Casualty Reports.Merchant ships will report all material casualtiesaffecting the consolidation; refueling; and communicationcapability, mobility, and/or safety of the ship.Personnel casualties will be reported in the same manner.The precedence of the report will be according tothe effect of the casualty on operations and judgment ofthe master. It is imperative that all concerned are informedof these casualties. The following sample messageformats may be used.E. CASREP (Casualty Report)FROM: SS TANKERTO: CTF SEVEN THREE/Senior naval commander in area (e.g.,CTF SEVEN SEVEN POINT FIVE)/COMSC WASHINGTON DC/COMSCFE YOKOHAMA JAINFO: MSCO SUBIC BAY PI/NAVSEAREPFAC SUBIC BAY RPBTUNCLASCASREPALFA — Nature of casualty (include complete identifyingdata of failed part ...manufacturer, voltage,horsepower, AC or DC, current rating...andsoforth.)BRAVO — Extent of damage to cargo, if any.CHARLIE — Extent of ship or equipment damage onmovements of the ship or cargo handling capability. Actions,if any, being taken by crew members to correct materialfailure. Example:ABLE TO CARRY OUT MISSION WITHREDUCED CAPABILITY. NUMBER ONEPUMPING STATION INOPERATIVE. UN-ABLE TO REPAIR BY SHIP’S FORCE BE-BECAUSE OF LACK OF REPAIR PARTS.DELTA — Estimated time of completion of repairs.Example:EIGHT HOURS AFTER RECEIPT OF PARTS.ECHO — Other information considered appropriate.Example:REQUEST PARTS ON ARRIVAL SUBIC, NOOUTSIDE ASSISTANCE DESIRED.FOXTROT — Location (bearing and range to nearestreference diversion point).NoteBe specific. State problem and exactly whatparts and services you require to be fullyoperational.E. SITREP (Situation Report). (Use sameaddressees as for CASREP.)UNCLASSITREP. NO. 1 SHAFT BEING REPLACED.PROCEEDING IAW SAILORD AT REDUCEDSPEED OF 6 KT. WILL ADVISE WHEN FULLSPEED IS AVAILABLE.E. CASCOR (Casualty Corrected). (Usesame addressees as for CASREP.)UNCLASMY (DATE-TIME-GROUP OF CASREP).CASCOR. PROCEEDING AT FULL POWER. RE-PAIR TIME 23 HOURS.E.6.3.8 Port Visits. Merchant tanker port visits will beunclassified and arranged in accordance with normal merchanttanker procedures. The merchant tanker and its owneror operator will be informed of planned port visits by the operationalcommander about one week prior to the visit.E-4 ORIGINAL

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