UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>E.5 CHAIN OF COMMANDWhen the tanker is nominated by COMSC and is readyto proceed, the fleet commander-in-chief will designateeither a fleet operational commander or COMSC to exerciseoperational control. In either case, CTF 63 or CTF 73as COMSIXTHFLT’s or COMSEVENTHFLT’s logisticcoordinator will control all movements and coordinate allrequirements, either through COMSC or directly to theship, depending on the operational control status. CTF63/73 will respond to the requirements of the combatanttask group commander for whom the merchant tanker isproviding support. The merchant tanker’s administrativecommander remains COMSC; however, appropriateMSC area commands will be included on all messagetraffic to facilitate local support.E.6 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSE.6.1 Check In/Out of Fleet Operational Control.Upon reporting to fleet operational control, as directed byCOMSC, the merchant tanker will check out of the MSCMovement Report System. Upon leaving the fleet commander’soperational control, as directed by COMSC, themerchant tanker will ensure that all commanders concernedare kept informed of the ship’s operating area. Proceduresfor checking in or out of the MSC MovementReport System are contained in COMSCINST 3123.5.E.6.2 Movement/Sail Orders. Sail orders (SAIL-ORDs) will be issued to the merchant tanker using anunclassified, modified, MERCO System. The systemuses classified ocean reference points, designated bytwo-letter groups, which will be originated by fleet orforce commanders and will be provided to the ship bythe briefing team. The following sample SAILORDformat may be used.FROM: CTF SEVEN THREETO: SS TANKERINFO:COMSCFE YOKOHAMA JA/COMSCPAC OAKLAND CA/COMSC WASHINGTON DC/COMSEVENTHFLT/TG commanders as appropriateBTUNCLASSAILORDALFA — Ship’s name.ALFA ONE — References (if required).BRAVO — Location of point of departure (true bearingand range in nautical miles from reference point;i.e., 180 AB 50).CHARLIE — Departure time.ECHO — Destination (referring to reference point).GOLF ONE — Route (incorporating as appropriateOTSR, ETA, and tactical implications).GOLF TWO — Reference diversion points.NoteReference diversion points are dispersedthroughout the applicable ocean area and,once promulgated, will be used in tankerSAILORDs until changed by the OPCONcommander. References to position shall bemade to reference points only; i.e., 270 AK18 means position bearing 270° true, distance18 nm, from reference diversion point ALFAKILO.JULIETT ONE — Scheduled speed (speed of advance).LIMA ONE — MERCAST or radio guard.NOVEMBER — Intermediate ports (as appropriate).OSCAR — Escorts.ZULU — Remarks.E.6.3 Reports. Example (Action to CTF 73, Info toCOMSC WASHINGTON DC/COMSCFE YOKO-HAMA JA.)E.6.3.1 Departure Reports. Departure reports willbe sent by the tanker in response to a SAILORD or priorto leaving port. Departure reports shall include estimatedtime of departure, speed of advance and estimatedtime of arrival (ETA), and amount of bunkers(barrels) and water (tons) on hand. Departure reportsshall be transmitted 24 hours prior to departure or assoon as a firm departure time is known. (Referenceonly points or ports listed in the SAILORD.)E.6.3.2 Pre-Arrival (Port) Reports. Pre-arrival reportswill be made in accordance with COMSCINST3121.3 for all port visits as during normal commercialoperations unless otherwise directed.E.6.3.3 Arrival Reports. Arrival reports shall betransmitted immediately upon arrival at destination andshall include bunkers and water on hand. If transmission isnot allowed in the port, the pre-arrival report shall suffice.E.6.3.4 Noon Position Reports. Local time noonposition reports shall be filed daily, using true bearingand range from the nearest reference diversion pointlisted in the SAILORD. Any change in anticipated ETAof over 4 hours shall be indicated.E.6.3.5 Storm Evasion Reports. Unless otherwisedirected by the fleet operational commander, anticipatedmerchant tanker commitments are not of such importanceE-3 ORIGINAL

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