UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>STANDARD PROCEDURES (Paralleled by S/P phone)SIGNALREMARKS5.Signalman moves two green signal devices vertically in front of body. Phonetalkers and line handlers shall “Replace your phone line.”REPLACE S/PPHONE LINE6.Signalman, with red signal device in right hand and green signal device in lefthand, touches devices moving horizontally in front of body at shoulder heightwhen the receiving station has “hooked up” the pelican hook. The signal shallbe repeated by the receiving station until acknowledged by the delivery station.This signal is repeated when the fuel hose is “connected” or the travelingSURF/STAR is “connected” at the receiving station.HOOKED-UP orCONNECTED7.45° 45°Signalman holds red signal device in right hand and amber signal device in lefthand with arms extended overhead to form a “V.” This signal, initiated by receivingstation, means “I am ready for tensioning.” When initiated by the deliverystation, signal means “I am tensioning,” and the delivery station will tension theappropriate wire. Both signalmen will maintain the signal until the delivery stationstops the signal. This signal is repeated when the receiving station is readyfor tension on the outhaul; if not ready for tension, the “Avast” signal is used.NSIONTENSION8.Signalman moves green signal device in a continuous complete circle in front ofbody, and keeps the proper color visible to the other station at all times. This signal,executed by either station indicates “I am ready to start pumping” or “I amready to commence transfer.” It is used only for the beginning of the pumping/transferoperation. When repeated by the other station, begin transfer andcommence signaling with red paddle. If not ready to commence operation, the“Avast” signal is used.START PUMPING orCOMMENCE TRANSFERFigure C-1. Alongside Hand Signals (Sheet 2 of 7)C-3 ORIGINAL

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