UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT NWP 4-01.4 - Historic Naval Ships ...

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<strong>NWP</strong> 4-<strong>01.4</strong>3. The high-pressure air system should be operatedand inspected in accordance with the instructionsin NAVSHIPS Technical Manual, Chapter551, Compressed Air Plants and Systems. Drainvalves on the air flask must be operated at regularintervals to prevent accumulation of excessmoisture in the air system.B.2.3 Post-Operational Procedures1. After retrieving the rig again, secure the end ofthe highline or span wire to the padeye.2. With the ram shutoff valve still open, operate thewinch to fully retract the ram. Close the ramshutoff valve, and open the air dump valve. Thisprocedure forces air back into the air flask toconserve high-pressure air. Leaving the airdump valve open ensures that the ram will notextend during periods of disuse if the ram shutoffvalve should leak.3. Slack the highline or spanwire, and note any extensionof the ram. Any extension beyond thefully retracted position with the ram shutoffvalves secured, indicates that there has been airleakage past accumulator piston seals duringuse. Do not attempt to bleed air with the ram inthe retracted position. If an extension is observed,the ram tensioner unit should be consideredquestionable and a leakage test (paragraphB.3) should be conducted before further use.B.3 LEAKAGE TESTActivate the ram as provided in paragraph B.2.1,steps 1 through 7.1. Static Test — Allow the ram to remain pressurized,in extended (charged) position, and withthe wire slack for 60 minutes. Any additional extensionof the ram beyond the charged positionduring this period or any indication of air whenthe manual bleed valve is opened for 10 secondsindicates a defective ram accumulator pistonseal.2. Dynamic Test — Operate the winch to strokethe ram from the extended (charged) to the retractedposition for 10 cycles. Again allow theram to extend. Slack the wire and leave the ramextended for 60 minutes. Extension of the rambeyond the charged position indicates a defectiveram accumulator piston seal.3. A defective ram may be due to worn seals on theaccumulator piston or scored accumulator walls.Refer to the technical manual for corrective action.B.4 STANDARDIZATIONFor standardization, and to allow heavy-lift operationsdescribed in paragraph 6.17, ram tensioner and airflask air relief valves at solid cargo stations shall be setat 2,500 psi (17,237 kPa). Ram tensioner and air flaskair relief valves at liquid cargo (FAS) stations shall beset at 2,000 psi (13,790 kPa). <strong>Ships</strong> with a reserve airbank shall set the reserve air bank relief valve at 3,500psi (24,132 kPa).B.5 REFERENCESNAVSEA Instruction 5100.13NAVSHIPS Technical ManualHydraulic Ram Tensioners, Operation and MaintenanceManual — NAVSHIPS 0978.036-7010 (covers 80 and120 foot (24.4 and 36.6 m) Models A and B).B-5 (Reverse Blank) ORIGINAL

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